One thing you guys are forgetting is Quicksilver.. they refuse to release the code to the Sprites.q3 file which is the heart of the game engine.. without their consent and release of the original source code for the file.. reverse engineering would be futile and illegal.
Also, the Source Code is Taldren's however the Rights to release the Source is not only Taldren's decision, but Interplay's and QuickSilver's as well.. the Original SFC was done in house at Interplay remember.. SFCII:EAW was the first release of SFC outside of Interplay, but it was built on the original SFC game code, which is partially owned by Interplay..
Same goes for OP which is built on EAW
and same goes for SFC III which is built on OP, however the new mess is Taldren did SFC III as a work for hire for Activision and the source code is owned by them for that game, and Taldren only has the rights to the intellectual property of it.
As such, for SFC original to be open sourced, first we have to have Taldren's OK.. Eric game me a personal OK to release whatever I had for SFC.. which I already have done.. but my stuff was nothing more than Scripts for the game..
but we have Eric's OK..
then we have to have Ken's OK..
we have that..
next we need Interplay's OK.. and as far I am to understand, Interplay was OK with it..
so three hurtles jumped..
Now the final Hurtle is QuickSilver ..
They have attempted to make an editor for the q3 file, but it failed.. and they refuse to opensource the program that built the q3 file....
so as for open sourcing the Original SFC.. I wouldn't bet on it.. we have been trying at D.Net for the last 3 or 4 years to get something and nothing has happened.. we even have a different section of this board where the topic is in open discussion with all the steps we have taken to beg, plead, bribe for the QuickSilver code to no avail... and reverse Engineering a Copy Written product is Illegal and comes with 20 Years Federal Time.. so that isn't going to happen, especially with how closely we here at D.Net look out for this game.
now for someone who wants to cross it over to Linux.. ROFLMAO... Your best bet is to put a Windows 98 or higher emulator on to Linux like WINE and run the MS version on it.. however Linux doesn't like Direct X based games and SFC all versions is built in MS Visual C++ 6.0 SP 5 and rendered originally under Direct X 7.0...
Linux sucks for gaming on most Direct X games.. that is why people stick with Windows... I prefer XP Pro 64 with Media Center Edition 2005 on it.. flawless and smooth and works great.. never had a crash and never been infected if you just learn to set up your internal security built into XP
and this is without a firewall or active Antivirus scanners since they act like viruses...
anyhow.. it is up to you.. I have seen some Linux boxes run SFC just fine.. but only after about 2 to 3 months of configuring their system to work Direct X stabily...
so in the end, I appologize to you for SFC and Open Source... Doubtful it will happen in our lifetime... and my sincerest appologies to you and your Linux box... Gaming just won't be the same on it...
It will be great for Open GL games, but any Direct X game .. well good luck, especially 85% of games are Direct X based, which is Microsoft and Windows.