Topic: Argus Array Ep12 Part1  (Read 1340 times)

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Argus Array Ep12 Part1
« on: November 11, 2006, 07:54:16 pm »
Argus Array Episode 12
Part 1 - The Tactical Assault Follow Up Interview

Along with myself and WildCard we are joined by our special guest's Mr Derek Chester (writer for Tactical Assault and Legacy), Mr Rantz Hoseley (Creative Director for QuickSilver) and Mr Cory Nelson (Senior Producer for QuickSilver).

In this follow up podcast with QuickSilver we all chat about all aspects of Tactical Assault and the future of gaming and QuickSilver as a company.

Part 1

We start off with a quick chat about the sales of Tactical Assault and how well it has been shifting off the store shelves and the impact the game has had due to it's deep tactical and strategy/story element, something which is very rare on the handhelds.

We then go into the basics of the story line (without giving too much away) and then derek goes a little into the depth of the various story arcs in the game.

Later on Derek, Rantz and Cory talk on the moments they will remember as they all went through the different stages of development of the game.



CUGS: Legacy Ladder League

Part 2

The section that a lot of modders will be listening to, the question of modding Tactical Assault on the handhelds. So much info is in this section their is simply too much to list on the breifing for the various forums we post on, its best to just listen to part 2 a few times to take all your notes.

We also move on to the file system and the open ended file system along with the question of possible future expansions to the game.

We finish off with a quick chat about the Nintendo WEEEEEEEEEE...sorry...Wii (pfft) and possible future products in that area along with Star Trek titles that QuickSilver would like to do like games along the lines of the now classic Interplay titles of 25th Anniversary and Judgement Rites games of the 1990's which launched the Star Trek gaming franchise on the PC more than a decade ago.


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Note from Victor1st to the clans and modders

Part 3

For part 3 we delve into the history, present and future of QuickSilver as a company along with the massive series of titles the company has released it's in long history in the gaming industry both in the PC world and console world.

We start off with cory, rantz and derek's first thought's of QuickSilver stepping back into the Star Trek gaming franchise more than half a decade after their last appearance with Star Trek: Starfleet Command which was published by Interplay. We also touch on the QuickSilver development of training titles for the US Military (bet most of you didnt know that) along with some development work they have done for DARPA.

For the rest of part 3 we chat about the massive speed in which technology on the consoles and the PC has been progressing for the past 3 years and the implications it will have on the gaming world and how QuickSilver has managed to survive while so many other developers and publishers have went under.

Once again the Array would like to thank Derek, Rantz and Cory for a fantastic interview!

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