Topic: So would you camp out just to be the first to get the newest hot toy out there  (Read 1393 times)

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Offline Khalee1

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Don't really know what was going on, But at the Computer store across from the store I clean there were 6 or so people camped out, And it's 30 degrees out there. I dont care out hot whatever they were after is I don't think I would camp out in front of the store to get it.

Id probably wait a while to get it, if I even wanted it in the first place. Seems kinda silly to me to go to all that trouble seting up your tent then in the morning having to take it down before you even got into the store.

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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What I find so humorous about the whole thing, is that they are camping out in front of a store, 3 days before it comes out, and the price tag of said toy is $600.  I'm sorry, I've got better things to do with three days of my life and $600, than spend it on a lousy PS3.
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I personally know two college kids that are taking off class sitting in the FREEZING cold here in a tent to be 4th and 5th in line at target for one.  Why?

Capitalism.  300,000 or so are gonna hit shelves before Christmas.  8-10 million in sales was expected if they could have been provided.  Ebay already has auctions going for 2-3K for a PS3. 

These students fully intend to buy it... and then turn around and sell it.  They willl make a $1000 a day for their troubles.  I envy their intelligence.


Offline Darth Sidious

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Capitalism.  300,000 or so are gonna hit shelves before Christmas.  8-10 million in sales was expected if they could have been provided.  Ebay already has auctions going for 2-3K for a PS3. 

This is one of the reasons i'm quite content to wait a year or so for the PS3 to A) Become availible in greater number B) Drop in price. C) More games.

Offline Dracho

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  So would you camp out just to be the first to get the newest hot toy out there 

Only if her name were Inga, and you could bounce a quarter off her a$$.
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