I'm a big Dr Who fan. By hook or by crook, I've managed to watch all the original episodes, all the way back to Hartnell. Even the Marco Polo "slideshow" episodes. I *love* the new series, though I'm sometimes sad that the episodes seem a little short and thus underdeveloped. Of course, I'm sure it only feels that way because I'm used to the old 4 to 6 part episodes.
In 1996 I was ecstatic. I cancelled events to make sure I was home and bought a new VCR to ensure I got a good quality recording. (I'd have bought a new one anyway; but this event pushed my timing up a little.)
Ughhh..... the movie was bad.

It was't a complete waste -- Paul Mgann would have made a fine Doctor in a better movie -- but the movie itself had little to recommend it. The "Americanized" word you used is a good way to describe it since it picked up all the B-grade American TV cliches. The Doctor is much better when left in UK hands.