Topic: OT: Lovely Who Goodness for Those Who Missed it in 1996.  (Read 1693 times)

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OT: Lovely Who Goodness for Those Who Missed it in 1996.
« on: November 04, 2006, 09:48:17 am »

That's the link to the first bit of the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie from Fox.  There are 8 other parts so you can see the whole thing. 

Don't thank me--I'm just doing my piratical duty for all devoted Who fans out there.

(Big thanks to Sideswipe for finding this for me!)

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Re: OT: Lovely Who Goodness for Those Who Missed it in 1996.
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2006, 10:26:41 am »
Hmm, is there a good Doctor Who movie??

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Re: OT: Lovely Who Goodness for Those Who Missed it in 1996.
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 11:11:37 am »
If you're looking for a good hard-core action romp in Doctor Who, my suggestion would be to find the episode "Caves of Androzani" on YouTube.  If you're lucky they'll have the whole thing on.  Lots of gunfire, deadly androids, and the Doctor dies at the end.

Are you saying the 1996 TV movie wasnt' any good?  It was Americanized a bit but overall was pretty darn ripping.  "I can hear your thoughts, Doctor!  Now all your lives belong to ME!!"

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Re: OT: Lovely Who Goodness for Those Who Missed it in 1996.
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2006, 12:46:41 pm »
It was slightly better than the Nick Fury movie staring David Hasselhoff.

The New Dr. WHo series on the other hand has been amazing

Anyone else watching Heroes?
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Re: OT: Lovely Who Goodness for Those Who Missed it in 1996.
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2006, 04:11:40 pm »
It was slightly better than the Nick Fury movie staring David Hasselhoff.

The New Dr. WHo series on the other hand has been amazing

Anyone else watching Heroes?

Only SLIGHTLY better than a movie starring Hasellhoff?  I think someone needs a reminder of just what a corporate whore Hasselhoff really is.

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Re: OT: Lovely Who Goodness for Those Who Missed it in 1996.
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2006, 01:05:49 pm »

I'm a big Dr Who fan.  By hook or by crook, I've managed to watch all the original episodes, all the way back to Hartnell.  Even the Marco Polo "slideshow" episodes.  I *love* the new series, though I'm sometimes sad that the episodes seem a little short and thus underdeveloped.  Of course, I'm sure it only feels that way because I'm used to the old 4 to 6 part episodes.

In 1996 I was ecstatic.  I cancelled events to make sure I was home and bought a new VCR to ensure I got a good quality recording.  (I'd have bought a new one anyway; but this event pushed my timing up a little.)

Ughhh..... the movie was bad.   :-[  It was't a complete waste -- Paul Mgann would have made a fine Doctor in a better movie -- but the movie itself had little to recommend it.  The "Americanized" word you used is a good way to describe it since it picked up all the B-grade American TV cliches.  The Doctor is much better when left in UK hands.

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Re: OT: Lovely Who Goodness for Those Who Missed it in 1996.
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2006, 06:03:50 pm »
Overall, I liked the TV movie.  The only things that bothered me were the half-human thing and the kissing.  Other than that, pretty good Doctor Who.