Topic: Opinion on web hosting....  (Read 1077 times)

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Opinion on web hosting....
« on: November 03, 2006, 10:45:23 am »
For a while I've been looking into getting some webspace for myself to host my bashes, signatures, logos, and whatever me little heart desires.

I came across this site.  I thought I'd ask the people here their opinions on not only the package, but the provider.;jsessionid=29BA509995222A0620FE2865D9BAB748.TC60b

Any and all comments are welcomed.
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Re: Opinion on web hosting....
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2006, 01:10:06 pm »
I use for most of my hosting with that particular package... I have no complaints with them at all, and I've not had any downtime with them as far as I could tell.  There is also go which is close in pricing.  I like, you don't get a bunch of extra stuff that you won't use, but you will not get c-panel so all your file movement will have to be done via ftp client which is not a biggy.