Topic: Is the Revamped TOS Still Being Shown Anywhere?  (Read 1937 times)

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Offline Alphageek

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Is the Revamped TOS Still Being Shown Anywhere?
« on: January 14, 2007, 02:22:46 pm »
I was trolling through my stations and got in the mood to see one of the newly redone Star Trek episodes.  I couldn't find one in the listings.  Have they finished showing them?  Or are they working on the next set and getting them ready to show?

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Is the Revamped TOS Still Being Shown Anywhere?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 03:11:05 pm »
Where I live at, they're still showing it.  However, I didn't pay much attention in part of the fact that reruns were showing in the Christmas holiday season, and forgot that they were running... Early this morning (around 1-2 AM EST), "Friday's Child" was showing.  I could've seen it but forgot to.

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Is the Revamped TOS Still Being Shown Anywhere?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 03:15:32 pm »
Check your listings for either CBS or, in my case, NBC, for nighttime arings.  I wouldn't be surprised if that's the time they come on in your neck of the woods.
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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Is the Revamped TOS Still Being Shown Anywhere?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 03:15:59 pm »
I must also add that is featuring all the pictures and FX shots from TOS remastered... I think though it's better if you happen to catch it, but it's pretty hard with the timeslot it's usually put in where I live at.

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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Is the Revamped TOS Still Being Shown Anywhere?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 04:57:29 pm »
I was trolling through my stations and got in the mood to see one of the newly redone Star Trek episodes.  I couldn't find one in the listings.  Have they finished showing them?  Or are they working on the next set and getting them ready to show?

Ok, I'll bite...Redone? How have they redone it?
I did notice that (in my area) SciFi channel has started showing the "Enterprise" series on Monday nights, 4 episodes each night.
Last week was the first 4.
I didn't think that series was to bad, some good ones, some bad, same as every Trek series.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Is the Revamped TOS Still Being Shown Anywhere?
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 07:34:21 pm »
I was trolling through my stations and got in the mood to see one of the newly redone Star Trek episodes.  I couldn't find one in the listings.  Have they finished showing them?  Or are they working on the next set and getting them ready to show?

Ok, I'll bite...Redone? How have they redone it?
I did notice that (in my area) SciFi channel has started showing the "Enterprise" series on Monday nights, 4 episodes each night.
Last week was the first 4.
I didn't think that series was to bad, some good ones, some bad, same as every Trek series.

They just redid all the special effects shots, and instead of using a studio model, they use CGI.  In the show, Arena, the Gorn actually blinks, and in that episode, I believe it's I, Mudd, where Mudd took over that planet full of androids, the android that was on Kirk's ship, they redid the closeup of him flipping open his access compartment before the commercials.
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Re: Is the Revamped TOS Still Being Shown Anywhere?
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2007, 09:53:41 pm »
They also fixed a number of techincal gaffs that somehow slipped through post-production.  Scenes that didn't get the VFX added to them because of time constraints.  The Naked Time when Scotty was using a Phaser to cut into Engineering didn't have the beam nor the phaser firing sound.  (I don't know if the sound was added, but the Phaser was, I haven't seen any of these since Arena aired because of the crappy Time-slot)
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