One of Atolm's designs from a while ago. Something a bit different than my usual routine:
The Tiburon class was developed in tandem with the Intrepid during the prewar period and is named after a voracious Terran shark. Following the contact with the Dominion, Starfleet began an extensive armament program which included overhauling existing starships and development of new designs. The Tiburon, originally intended as a light patrol vessel, was redirected to become a more combat oriented heavy destroyer. Taking lessons from the Defiant program and information gathered regarding Jem'hadar attack ships, the Tiburon project concentrated on speed, maneuverability, and first-strike capability. The Tiburon acts as an escort for convoys and larger ships, performs border patrol duties, and undertakes hit-and-fade assaults on enemy outposts.
The Tiburon is equipped with wing-mounted weapons pods that contain pulse phaser emitters and photon and quantum torpedo launchers in addition to the standard phaser arrays on the rest of the ship. Ablative armor covers key areas of the hull, the impulse engines are recessed for better protection, and reinforced nacelle pylons protect against the strain of high-warp situations.
Completed just prior to the outbreak of the Dominion War, the Tiburon class saw much action during the conflict and proved itself against the nimble Jem'hadar and Breen attack craft. Owing to the ferocity of the Tiburon's abilities, crews would often paint stylized images on their ships' hulls to entice and harass their opponents - harking back to the nose-art and imagery emblazoned on aircraft during Earth's various wars. Like her cousins, Intrepid and Defiant, the Tiburon will undoubtedly continue serving Starfleet and the Federation for many decades to come.