Topic: New Romulan Warbird  (Read 7091 times)

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Offline Raven Night

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Re: New Romulan Warbird
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2006, 09:39:05 am »
First, let me say that this is a beautiful piece of work.  A really excellent model of a really cool design.  WTG Pepperman.

Second,  am I really the only on that sees the design similarities between this ship and Raven's PKor??  I'm not sying Atolm copied the design or anything.  Atolm and Raven have weirdly similar design styles sometime and they have even taken opportunities to reimagine each others work.  So all I'm really saying is that whether it's an intentional reimagining of the PKor or not,  I can't help but think that the PKor was an influence on this design and I think it's strange that I'm the only one that noticed.

Anyway, back on topic, Nice work Pepperman. I'l be DL'ing this one immediately.


I can comment on this. This is obviously a completely unique design from Atolm. Though it may resemble the Pkor, I think that is more along the lines that, at least with this type of ship, our design ideas are similar. Atolm is far too talented to have to get inspiration from my designs....from what I am told he doesnt care for my designs at all.

There are only two examples I can think of when Atolm and I had input on a design....Atolm did a rework of the BaQ, which inspired the changes I made to the design in the end (I still have to finish the new model) and the Saif was inspired by a small concept he drew in a large group of conceptuals. I made sure to credit his small pic as it's inspiration.

I am always flattered by people that use my designs to inspire thier own. Some ask me (which is not necessary), some dont. Sometime's I get emails telling me someone copied one of my designs, and I shrug it off.....copying someone's work is the ultimate form of flattery. But in Atolm's case, I highly doubt, with his talent and imagination he has to resort to taking ideas from my concepts.

Just my two cents on the issue.
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