Topic: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )  (Read 13343 times)

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Offline F9th0mega

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Yea i know, i already posted this on BCC but i dont care.

Starforce, you ported 2 of my bashes/texture mods to BC, and disregarded the readme's. you DID NOT include them, and you DID NOT ask permission. two things i clearly stated in them.

I dont know how you managed to overlook those facts as they were in the readme's which you most definetly read...

And after all that they didnt even work... (Thanks AndrewJ :P I got to fly my ships in BC thanks to his know how :P you need to add them manually using BCMP )

I may come off as an asshole, but i dont care. I am a VERY strict person when it comes to rules i lay down... and they werent that hard to follow either...

Starforce, Reupload the ships, put a statement saying you uploaded them without permissions, AND include MY readme's. that or im having them removed and ill repost em myself.

This isnt a discussions. its a public reprimand. deal with it.
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.

Offline Centurus

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2006, 11:01:13 pm »
Personally, if it were me, I'd start sending messages straight to the FilesFront admins and owners letting them know about this, and saving any and all forum posts and sending them to said admins and owners, and if the problem isn't recified by the parties involved, let the admins and owners do something, and chances are the FilesFront admins and owners would side with 0mega in this case.
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Offline F9th0mega

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2006, 11:03:09 pm »
already saved the pages incase he wants to hide anything, im sure he can be civil about this too :roll: im younger than he is after all...
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.

Offline Raven Night

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2006, 12:07:57 am »
There isnt any way this could have been resolved privately? You certainly have a right to have your concerns adressed to your satisfaction, but perhaps it would have been more prudent and healthier for the community if it was resolved on MSN or through email.
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Offline Major A Payne

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2006, 01:53:00 am »
I would also like to add something to this. Looking over your own readme, I wonder if you attempted to get permission of the texture creator which according to your readme is stated as Gafy. Not that I'm condoning what starforce did, but it would be somewhat contradictory of you to go ahead and rant about no permission if you didn't follow this proceedure yourself (and seeing as theres a question mark next to gafy's name I'm inclined to think you didn't do your hardest to obtain permission of find out if the textures were definately by him. They could have been P81's considering you stated a credit for his meshes).

Just a point I made for you to consider. Nothing more.

Offline Centurus

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2006, 02:55:42 am »
Whenever GAFY is credited, he's always credited with a ?, considering that his full name is GotAFarmYet?.  As for seeking permission, I believe GAFY just has a general rule that if his work is used, that he be given proper credit.
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Offline F9th0mega

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2006, 06:53:39 am »
I would also like to add something to this. Looking over your own readme, I wonder if you attempted to get permission of the texture creator which according to your readme is stated as Gafy. Not that I'm condoning what starforce did, but it would be somewhat contradictory of you to go ahead and rant about no permission if you didn't follow this proceedure yourself (and seeing as theres a question mark next to gafy's name I'm inclined to think you didn't do your hardest to obtain permission of find out if the textures were definately by him. They could have been P81's considering you stated a credit for his meshes).
talked to MP, as he was helping me get all the permission stuff worked out and he told me i didnt need to ask gafy specifically for permissions... i believe i directly asked whoever necessary.

two simple rules in my readme's. include the original, and at the very least TELL ME your making a mod or proting them...
Just a point I made for you to consider. Nothing more.
I would also like to add something to this. Looking over your own readme, I wonder if you attempted to get permission of the texture creator which according to your readme is stated as Gafy. Not that I'm condoning what starforce did, but it would be somewhat contradictory of you to go ahead and rant about no permission if you didn't follow this proceedure yourself (and seeing as theres a question mark next to gafy's name I'm inclined to think you didn't do your hardest to obtain permission of find out if the textures were definately by him. They could have been P81's considering you stated a credit for his meshes).

Just a point I made for you to consider. Nothing more.
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.

Offline Major A Payne

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2006, 08:37:55 am »
you DID NOT ask permission. two things i clearly stated in them.

Not quite the same as being informed is it?? I will agree though that the original readme should have been included, and as for GAFYs general ruling. I know of alot of modellers who have this rule but generally still prefer if a modder makes a permission request anyway, unless, for example Andy "Deemon" Johns. He is incredibly difficult to get hold of, so much so, that both emails and ICQ/MSN contacts for him don't seem to be usable any longer, therefore people just credit him.

Not entirely sure though why I'm quoted twice, but thats your perogative. Also I do appologise for getting involved, but I would also hasten to agree with Raven that this should have been a matter for PM, or off forum contact, don't you??

Offline F9th0mega

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2006, 02:19:23 pm »
I agree with raven and Major Payne, Deffinatly the sort of thing you bring into the forums to fix, and allowing people who wish to make small issues into larger problems infront of everyone in the community is just foolish. OutaLance has an agrement with Starforce that models that people bring with them are overtime ported into BC, just as models please updates alot of files to include the SFC1,2,Op versions of the models for use by all SFCers.

Saying that if the member doesnt wish SF to port it all they need to do is either let SF know or MP, Dawg, Adonis or myself know so they dont get added to SF's lists. Obviously this wasnt communicated to you when you signed up and i am sorry for that. SF and i have spoken and the files have or will be edited to include all the readmes and credits to be restored to the files and SF has emailed omega to resolve these issues in private with no ill feelings. so i think this topic should be locked so it can be forgotten as the whole point of the forums is to show off our work and share our love of the games.
everyone seems to dislike the fact im bringing an issue out in to the open? what the heck?

Major, my mouse is busted :P it double clicks alot :P i didnt realise i quoted you twice :lol:

and a quote from his not so eloquent email...

Try not letting certain other individuals influence you into spreading it across half the community when you know damn well nobody wants to hear the personal business of others.

let others influence me? heres something new about me you should knew then. i think for myself. but GG trying to blame someone else ^_- Personal business of others? well what if i WANT people to hear about it? AGAIN, i think for myself thanks.

he didnt attempt to resolve anything, just basically called me stupid and told me to shut up about it :S

Oh lovely, he got me banned from BCC :lol: GREAT way to leave a lasting impression, rather than DEAL with an issue, BAN the person.

ive got a very lovely line, filled with colorful metaphors id LOVE to post, but im better than that. i dont dodge problems either. By the wya SF, i just talked to Sean of BCC, so your ban, or whoever you got to do it, just doesnt work :rolleyes: (multiple IP's, and i can change them at will...)
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.

Offline Raven Night

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2006, 02:41:15 pm »
Oh god, here we go.

Starforce, Omega, cant you guys finish this in email? I'm not saying I like or dislike laundry like this aired in public, I'm just saying that when you post things like this in the open you make all parties look bad. It was just some friendly advice.
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Offline F9th0mega

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2006, 03:27:33 pm »
Oh god, here we go.

Starforce, Omega, cant you guys finish this in email? I'm not saying I like or dislike laundry like this aired in public, I'm just saying that when you post things like this in the open you make all parties look bad. It was just some friendly advice.
I would have had no rpblem finishing it in email, but he had me banned over at BCC (Overturned by (Correctiong) Mark. ) and didnt exactly respond helpfully via email. he jsut called me stupid and told me to shut up.

Im letting to truth see the light of day... why does everyone have a problem with that? if you dont like the truth, dont read the thread.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2006, 03:38:07 pm by F9th0mega »
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.


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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2006, 03:51:46 pm »
This is great!! I get it now, you and Starforce cooked this all up to revive the forum. First you staged the classic "I'm outa' here" announcement thread and now this. A little flaming goes a long way, some of the best models have shown up right after a flame war. !BRILLIANT!

This really has gotten my creative juices moving!

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2006, 04:56:12 pm »
Oh god, here we go.

Starforce, Omega, cant you guys finish this in email? I'm not saying I like or dislike laundry like this aired in public, I'm just saying that when you post things like this in the open you make all parties look bad. It was just some friendly advice.
I would have had no problem finishing it in email, but he had me banned over at BCC (Overturned by (Correction) Mark. ) and didn't exactly respond helpfully via email. he just called me stupid and told me to shut up.

I'm letting to truth see the light of day... why does everyone have a problem with that? if you don't like the truth, don't read the thread.

Bringing it up is one thing.....having it spill all over an otherwise peaceful forum is another...

Please don't let this denigrate into a flame session....

We strive to keep this place as an oasis in an otherwise chaotic world of modeling and personalities...

Everyone is welcome here so long as they follow the rules here...

Raven is the master of diplomacy and mediation....I would heed his advice...

This forum usually requires the least moderation...please strive to keep it that way..



Offline Starforce2

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2006, 05:25:51 pm »
Ok now I must respond to these lies:

1) I did not ask you to be banned, nor suggest it. I asked mark how he wanted that thread handled because they enforce some different rules and since it's a new forum I refer to them before doing anything. At this point mark said he would clean up the thread himself, and didn't mention anything about a ban. (I believe the rule you violated had to do with ranting outside of the rant forum) Additionaly, I do not have the authority to ban, that I know of anyways.

2) Calling you stupid: If had had wanted to do this I would have simply done it. TBH, had I wanted to insult you in that email it'd have been far more creative than "you're stupid", though considering they way you keep pulling these accusations out of your rear end, you have me convinced! ::)

And to you intermech, that's the funniest god damn post I've seen on this forum in a while. Nice one! +1 to you.

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2006, 05:45:22 pm »
This is great!! I get it now, you and Starforce cooked this all up to revive the forum. First you staged the classic "I'm outa' here" announcement thread and now this. A little flaming goes a long way, some of the best models have shown up right after a flame war. !BRILLIANT!

This really has gotten my creative juices moving!

IM you crack me up ;)

Signature: Terran Empire Relentless: WZ, All Other Models: Smiley

Offline F9th0mega

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2006, 06:09:37 pm »
Oh god, here we go.

Starforce, Omega, cant you guys finish this in email? I'm not saying I like or dislike laundry like this aired in public, I'm just saying that when you post things like this in the open you make all parties look bad. It was just some friendly advice.
I would have had no problem finishing it in email, but he had me banned over at BCC (Overturned by (Correction) Mark. ) and didn't exactly respond helpfully via email. he just called me stupid and told me to shut up.

I'm letting to truth see the light of day... why does everyone have a problem with that? if you don't like the truth, don't read the thread.

Bringing it up is one thing.....having it spill all over an otherwise peaceful forum is another...

Please don't let this denigrate into a flame session....

We strive to keep this place as an oasis in an otherwise chaotic world of modeling and personalities...

Everyone is welcome here so long as they follow the rules here...

Raven is the master of diplomacy and mediation....I would heed his advice...

This forum usually requires the least moderation...please strive to keep it that way..


im keeping it blunt and to the point :P

As I explained on BCC if you had bothered to choose to read it before going to yet another forum, this port was directed by outalance. I didn't go download this myself and just port it, it was sent through the team. You got issues, talk to the team leaders about it. I just port what's sent to me with the understand that when stuff is sent from the team leaders (or directly from team members who built it) it's good to go. Try not letting certain other individuals influence you into spreading it across half the community when you know damn well nobody wants to hear the personal business of others.
you felt it necessary to repeat something you had said twice and all i said was what i wanted. for you to include MY readme's in the files and reupload them... i dont know what is so hard to comprehend here... and by repeating that it just made me feel as though you thought i was stupid

Im not trying to start a fight, im trying to fix an oversight. end of story. And crim, im a damn good mediator... trust me on that one (i could write a book about it.)
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.

Offline Starforce2

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2006, 07:04:35 pm »
Whats wrong with the readme's that they have now? I kept your ship history. All the credits are there. I'm simply not going to include stats and instalation instructions for another game in the release for BC, as it will just confuse people. Also, whenever I release a ship I rewrite the readmes so the first thing you see when you read it are the credits. Your readmes had them down in the middle or the end. It was no oversight, it's called standardization and done for a reason.. You are just looking for an excuse to whine about something and make it everyones problem. I'm done listning to it as of now.

Offline Raven Night

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2006, 07:30:30 pm »
Making you feel like he is calling you stupid and actually calling you stupid is two different things. The collusion of facts diametrically increases based on the level of emotion. Refer to my sig for instructions.

And Starforce, butt comments and indications he is whining doesnt help either. You can certainly clarify the issue and indicate you feel he is being combative without leveling insults. This simply amplifies the egowar.

Stop trying to iceskate uphill guys. Both of you are vital to the community, and none of us like to see you fighting this way. Discuss and resolve, dont insult and devolve. You will find you live longer.
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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2006, 08:24:19 pm »

This forum usually requires the least moderation...please strive to keep it that way..

Wow, that is really impressive to me, especially because as far as I can tell, this forum is also the most active at Dyna. That really speaks to the caliber of the people here. I solute you all. Thanks for the tid-bit 'Crim, that made my day!

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Re: Starforce. Check the readme's better next time. (Beware: Rant inside. )
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2006, 08:50:33 pm »
I'm done listning to it as of now.

That seems to be the overarcing problem here ain't it, and possibly the source...

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