Topic: IE 7 has been released  (Read 9001 times)

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2006, 11:49:12 am »
I seem to recall one thing that Firefox ripped from IE7 was session resuming or something. it is where you have tabs open and you can set it to return to those pages when you open up the browser again or after an update has been installed and it needs to restart.

Then again, I might be thinking about something else.

I just did a little looking and it appears to predate both.  Nearly 3 years ago an extension for Firefox.  Over 5 years ago in an extension to Mozilla.  There may be others that are even older.

Link 1

#1  johnleemk  Monday, 29th March 2004

All further discussion about SessionSaver 0.2d should be held on:

SessionSaver being a Firefox add on made by a 3rd party which Mozilla has since integrated the function of.

Link 2

Posted: Jan Thu 22nd 2004 7:29pm     
So yea- SessionSaver is awesome... except it doesn't handle multiple-windows quite right. And it doesn't support Mozilla. And it doesn't restore scroll-states. And doesn't crash-recover. Or, at least it couldn't...

Total Recall for Mozilla is even older.

Link 3

The Recall project is a crash recovery feature for Mozilla, restoring browser windows and tabs persisted from your pre crash session. This project should resolve bug #36810 Autosave URIs of open windows.

Link 4

(Quote below is the date on one of the Total Recall pages.)

Page Updated: April 06, 2001

The thing that is amazing is that neither browser integrated it for so long after an add on demonstrated the ability in Mozilla then Firefox.
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Offline jualdeaux

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2006, 12:39:14 pm »
I'm not amazed. The only thing MS updated on IE6 was security patches and if there was a add-on for Mozilla and Firefox then there was really no reason to. I personally prefer a minimalist installation of a browser. If there are add-ons for extra functionality I'll add them myself. Much better than being forced to install stuff I don't need.
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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2006, 03:57:30 pm »
I think I will keep my IE6 for certian things that it is best for and use FF for others.I know that VB jelsoft boards come in better with IE and phpBB boards come in better with FF.SMF it is either or iether one it depends on what forum you go to the Modelling Forum is better for FF with all those images.

Offline Brush Wolf

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2006, 04:31:26 am »
I installed it on Sunday mostly out of curiosity. At first glance it has a lot of classic MS change for changes sake and not for better functionality. Everything is in a different place, the familiar drop down menus are gone, it took me several minutes just to find the bookmarks. The tabbed browsing while a good idea was not even copied well, to close a tab it has to be the active tab, FF2 allows you to close any tab. I could load up a Linux distribution and have an easier time getting around and the last time I dabbled with that was Red Hat 7. FF2 on the other hand was familiar and usable with only the new things to figure out.
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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2006, 08:30:15 pm »
I've repeatedly asked people who support Microsoft and claim that Microsoft innovates to name an innovation.  They never have responded with a valid innovation by Microsoft.  It is always something they copied or bought.

I have found two myself that I believe they did innovate - Clippy (descended from MS Bob) and software activation.  When I have had to work with MS Office I've always turned off Clippy as it is an annoyance to me not an aid.  I refuse to use software requiring activation.  So neither innovation helps me personally as a consumer.

Anyone else know of any other Microsoft innovation?  Or evidence that these two were copied/bought from the actual innovators?

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Umm... Who cares about innovation?  I mean, really.  IE (6sp2, at least) works and works fine.  Who cares who came up with it first?

Maybe it's all about refinement rather than innovation... Hey, did'ya ever think of that?  I have used IE since Netscape 5+ sucked so bad that I couldn't stand it any more and went back to M$.  Now, mind you, I _DO_ use a pop-up blocker/flash/all-other-crap-unless-I-want-it blocker (PopUpCop) to keep IE in check and some people would argue that I shouldn't have to do that to whom I would tip my hat, but hey... it works, and it works well.  I even think my shift-click/alt-tab/taskbar works well enough for tabbed browsing!

I'm in no rush to get to IE7, but after all it's issues are ironed out I'm may wander into the party...

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Offline Nemesis

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2006, 08:40:47 pm »
Umm... Who cares about innovation?  I mean, really.  IE (6sp2, at least) works and works fine.  Who cares who came up with it first?

Maybe it's all about refinement rather than innovation... Hey, did'ya ever think of that?

Who cares about innovation?  Apparently Microsoft.  All through the DOJ vs Microsoft case they went on about it all being about their freedom to innovate.  Yet I'm unaware of any significant innovations by Microsoft.  They always seem to come along behind and copy or buy the innovations.

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2006, 09:07:55 pm »

Nyah.... Again, as an enduser I'm compelled to say "So What?"

And I speak as the Bar-Abbas Advocate, here...  But really... Why would the average non-computer-savvy (and trust me, there's a LOT of 'em out dere!) care one whit?


Lemme answer my own question:  They won't, and I don't.  Microsoft has its flaws (and there's TONS of 'em!) but what they do they do well.  A gross majority of people will continue to use Micro$oft products and you and three others will continue to use Linux... Get over it.


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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2006, 10:39:26 am »
Innovations by Microsoft:

CD-Burning integrated into Explorer or Browser (On the fly CD writing built into Windows XP)

Internet Connection Sharing as a function of the OS.  (There were proxy programs before but none of them allowed you to setup one and just add the rest via a diskette)

Direct X controls (The idea of not calling specific hardware but calling software that was designed to run the hardware)  This helped games and other 3d app stability. 

NetBios (jointly with IBM)

Universal Naming Code (\\SERVERNAME\FOLDER)  This simple protocol is still genius.

However the single most important thing Microsoft invented:

Microsoft's Business model.  Don't waste resources re-inventing wheels... buy someone else's wheel and make it something the public wants, then couple it with 3 other wheels, and some flashy stuff... then sell it... a lot of it!  Amazon didn't invent internet selling, and E-bay didn't invent the Internet auction house.... what they did was follow Bill's example and made a their product better and more desirable than all the rest (and told you so...) and let the rest of the competition fall by the wayside.


Offline Nemesis

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2006, 07:39:21 pm »
Innovations by Microsoft:

CD-Burning integrated into Explorer or Browser (On the fly CD writing built into Windows XP)

Internet Connection Sharing as a function of the OS.  (There were proxy programs before but none of them allowed you to setup one and just add the rest via a diskette)

Direct X controls (The idea of not calling specific hardware but calling software that was designed to run the hardware)  This helped games and other 3d app stability. 

NetBios (jointly with IBM)

Universal Naming Code (\\SERVERNAME\FOLDER)  This simple protocol is still genius.

Thanks for the list.  I'll have to look into them when I have time. 

However the single most important thing Microsoft invented:

Microsoft's Business model.  Don't waste resources re-inventing wheels... buy someone else's wheel and make it something the public wants, then couple it with 3 other wheels, and some flashy stuff... then sell it... a lot of it!  Amazon didn't invent internet selling, and E-bay didn't invent the Internet auction house.... what they did was follow Bill's example and made a their product better and more desirable than all the rest (and told you so...) and let the rest of the competition fall by the wayside.


Don't forget the part about ignoring inconvenient laws and plan on paying fines without actually changing your behaviour when convicted.

The biggest part of Microsofts success came by the contracts specifying that they got paid for each "PC" sold whether or not the customer actually wanted or was planning to use DOS/Windows.  Made it next to impossible to compete against DOS/Windows.  At the time it seemed innocent enough as there was initially only one OS for PCs.  Once competition arrived the game was already owned by Microsoft and no one else was allowed to play.

Then product bundling to exclude other office software the same way.   Rules that forbade OEMs from loading software that Microsoft competed with in place of Microsoft software (specifically Netscape instead of IE).  Followed by integrating software to evade the law when bundling was ruled illegal in certain cases.

I don't think that Microsoft in its current form will make the transition successfully to a replacement market rather than a dramatically growing market.  They already are showing signs of strain.
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Offline jualdeaux

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2006, 10:26:31 pm »
I have a sort of different take on MS than most people.

I believe that MS was very instrumental to the extremely rapid advancement of PC hardware technology. How you ask seeing as they are a software company? very easy. As Nem has said, and he is right, MS put themselves, whether intentionally or not, in a monopoly situation as far as OS. This helped myriads of hardware companies because they only had one OS to try and make stuff work with. Imagine how much additional effort these companies would have had to go through if they had 10 different OSs that they had to make their stuff compatible with? How many of them would have gone to that effort? Not many. They would have stuck to one or two and ignored the rest. This would have led to a very fractured industry and not many companies would have made it very long. But with all these companies working with one basic standard, not a very good one at times, they were able to innovate knowing that they products would work with other companies products since they are all geared to the same thing, make it work with Windows.

An example of what I'm talking about is shown in the Linux world. While all the versions use the same basic kernal, not all of them do things in the same way. This makes creating drivers much more work as they not only have to make them for the different kernal releases, they have to make them work with multiple flavours of Linux. I believe that for Linux to really come out as an alternative to Windows, they need to decide on some basic standards that will address the problems that hardware makers, and third party software makers have in this area. Once this happens and peolpe can make one set of drivers for every linux version out there and they can write one program, like games, that can be installed on all the versions, then you will really see Linux come on as an alternative.

and before Nem can point this out, I do seem to recall reading how this process, the creation of standards in Linux distros, is starting to happen. And I for one hope it happens sooner rather than later.
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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2006, 11:51:45 am »
I think IE 7 sucks! Is there any way of removing it and getting the old one back?



Offline Brush Wolf

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2006, 01:55:40 pm »
Reformat the hard drive and reinstall without  IE7. If you are running XP you could go back to a restore point from before you installed it. Microsoft has always had this "why would you want to uninstall" attitude. This can be a royal pain when either you hate the new version or some other software you use is broken by the change. Another thing which I do is use Firefox for all but Windows Update and any sites that just won't work without IE and otherwise ignore it.
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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2006, 09:37:10 pm »
I'm flucked! thanks B.W. though.

Still waiting for Obisoft to come out with SH4 or that air power game, hehehehe.

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2006, 11:28:07 pm »
wow, cool green arrows for refresh, I'm so impressed, NOT!  >:(

Offline Brush Wolf

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2006, 03:59:37 pm »
I'm flucked! thanks B.W. though.

Still waiting for Obisoft to come out with SH4 or that air power game, hehehehe.

I am also as I have gotten sloppy and not made restore points when installing things. My biggest issue with IE7 which is also a preview of what Vista will be like is they seem to have gone out of their way to move things around or to hide them.
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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #35 on: November 20, 2006, 05:15:32 am »
Reformat the hard drive and reinstall without IE7. If you are running XP you could go back to a restore point from before you installed it. Microsoft has always had this "why would you want to uninstall" attitude. This can be a royal pain when either you hate the new version or some other software you use is broken by the change. Another thing which I do is use Firefox for all but Windows Update and any sites that just won't work without IE and otherwise ignore it.
I've just hidden the IE 7 critical update from Windows update so I'm atleast not bugged everytime I log on to the computer
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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #36 on: November 20, 2006, 02:23:30 pm »
"I've just hidden the IE 7 critical update from Windows update so I'm atleast not bugged everytime I log on to the computer"

That will help insure that you don't get it by accident.

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #37 on: November 22, 2006, 09:38:27 pm »

Using IE7 right now.

Like it.

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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2006, 01:04:02 am »
everytime i  use ie7 i get an error and it  closes  guess ill  just go back to the old one and use  fire fox.


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Re: IE 7 has been released
« Reply #39 on: November 25, 2006, 03:43:09 pm »

Using IE7 right now.

Like it.
I might download it again since it does save memory if you have lots of windows open, but I'll probably wait for at least  a month or so to make sure it wasnt the cause of Windows crashing on me.
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