You don't get it do you DT? I've said this again, and again, and again. The SFP I put in the filename is to make for easy searching, and in some cases, such as ships with common names, classnames, canon ect to prevent file name conflicts with stuff other people have released that would result in someones game being screwed up. It also differentiates between my version and a version of the same ship done by other people (how many people ahve done the p81 nebula hardpoint? do you want a dialup user to load each page and the pix that go with just to see who or can they Identify mine by the SFP from the index). It has nothing to do with attempting to claim ownership over the model. I have see this done by other teams and modders in the past, here at sfc, and in BC. In some cases the models were authored by the person or team the tag stands for, in others they were not. I've seen DAP tags on ships ported from SFC they didn't make within their own team for instance. Doesn't mean they stole it. I can't help you continue to be too thickheaded to understand the logic in this, nor can I do anything about the fact that you obviously ignore the readme in the mods you mentioned that clearly list who owns what. As for creativity? Well, hardpoints for BC do require atleast some, though I admit my excelior HP's are a master HP with changes listed on a chart I made for bashes that fall into cruiser, destroyer, dreadnoguth, ect sizes and stat changes based on timeline (original excelcior or refit or DS9 upgraded lakota) and I just punch in the values and stamp them about in about 15 minutes each. When ya do 60 of them, you're right, doesn't take much thought any more.
Also, unless you were screwing off at BCfiles, I didn't have you banned from anywhere. I've got no ban authority on any forum outside my own. As I recall you have been banned several times from BCU for a number of offenses which have not even involved me, including warez, and have whittnessed you get away with sending abusive pm's to capt russ and nothing happened when it got reported, not even a warning, all resulting froma fued over the fact that you don't think he should release a nebula class with 20 different naming options. (hey, you think it should be public, there it is) I also don't believe I've banned you from BCfiles ever, so your claim here is completely false.
As for the community being split between forums BCU and BCC, that had nothing to do with me. That was to do with the technical faults of BCU and several people being unhappy with Ravens rule structure along with a multitude of minor issues I am sure Mark/Ignis can clear up for you. In case you hadn't noticed, this community (SFC) has been here alot longer than BC and it is spread all over. Everyone and their grandmother has a website for hosting files, a forum for discussing their work, and god knows what else scattered all over the net. It doesn't look dead to me. The same applies to Armada.
It certainly wont be the last forum fight in this community as long as you are still around spreading lies, blaming me for things I had nothing to do with, and making issues on how I pick filenames.