Topic: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateering)  (Read 60311 times)

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Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #100 on: November 16, 2006, 04:45:34 pm »

Thanks Geek and KF, good ideas.

Hey KF, if you wanted Repair Rendezvous you should have said so someplace!
(j/k ;D )


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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #101 on: November 16, 2006, 05:56:00 pm »

Thanks Geek and KF, good ideas.

Hey KF, if you wanted Repair Rendezvous you should have said so someplace!
(j/k ;D )


+1 karma for a sense of humor!


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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 ;D ANOMALY report.

Okay, NW I'm using the latest scripts by you and I wanted to share this observation:

I'm on a Klingon border hex and attack it to flip it gray. During the second mission I enter the same hex and observe this after 3 minutes into the mission. Mind you the Klinks remained hidden almost up to the 3 minute mark. I do not recall having my deep scan on after the three minute mark.

I fired only two probes in my AI allies direction. The probes left the map and I could still see the AI allies. I think this is odd that I can see them at 1600+ range when most of the scan for the bad/neutral/friendly ship missions are scripted to stay hidden at range 150+ and you have to use probes to keep in contact until you reach sensor range.

I chalk this up to IFF (identification friend/foe) transponders screaming electronically to my ship  "here comes the calvary". So, I'm okay with that; they aren't trying to hide anyway.

I won the mission and haven't encountered this phenomenon any other time so far.

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #103 on: November 17, 2006, 12:14:55 am »

Sigh.  Dumb question time...

I dusted off my old copy of SFC1, installed and patched to 1.03, but when I go to run it the Skirmish and Campaign options are greyed out, only the Multiplayer option is available.   This seems horribly familiar, but I can't remember what's up.  Any clues?  (Asks Dave the Lazy before he breaks out the search option ;) )


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The Multiplayer Only Option appeared when the CD was not in the drive.  The CD was required for SFC1 to run the campaigns.
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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #105 on: November 17, 2006, 12:26:59 am »
Hmm - unfortunately my CD is in the drive...

A forum search turned up a thread discussing this problem for SFC1+XP, and mentioned a file fix - unfortunately the link to it is broken (it went to Pestalence's old site, now commandeered by some damned marketing group).

EDIT: a reboot seems to have cleared things up.

Man, it had been a LOONNNNGGG time since I played sfc1, good call guys!  I'll start going through the scenario list and see what transfers over easily (and yes KF, I'll start with R.R. ;D )

« Last Edit: November 17, 2006, 12:41:34 am by NuclearWessels »

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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #106 on: November 17, 2006, 10:19:45 am »
Alrighty, here's the latest set of (not yet uploaded) revisions:

  • I've added a chance of an attack-the-planet-with-an-asteroid style mission
  • I've tweaked the AI in some scenarios so that it makes a semi-intelligent decision about when to cut-and-run (AIs in their own space will still fight to the death, but when attacking your space might decide to run if the battle is going poorly).
  • I've added a chance that the enemy you encounter in your own space has some leftover damage from previous battles (I think this is configured correctly to avoid applying such damage to player ships, but if there's any whiff of this happening we'll pull this feature).
  • I've added (here it comes KF) a sort of repair rendezvous style scenario.  You have control of three ships: your own, an FRD, and a badly damaged cruiser.  These will initially be randomly placed seperated by about range 50-80.  A larger enemy ship is bearing down fast, aiming to toast as many of you as possible.   If the incoming enemy is too big to handle with just your own ship your best bet is to tow the damaged cruiser into the point-defense/tractor shield of the FRD and transfer as many spare parts into it (from your ship and the FRD) as possible, then use your good ship to lead the enemy on a wild goose chase while the cruiser repairs. 
  • I'm also adding another scientific experiment scenario.  This time, your gurus have gotten ahold of an Andromedan displacement device, and want to take it out for a test run - using your ship of course.  Needless to say, they haven't gotten things quite right, and  periodically throughout the mission your ship will suddenly leap ahead by a range of 1-6.  Naturally there is also a chance you're going to get interrupted by an enemy while this is going on...  Anyone remember the year of contact with the Andromedans?  I'll rig the scenario so that it doesn't appear before that year.


Offline GermzSlap

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In reference to accessing the starfleet universe's dowloads section. There have been reports of this problem from others so i will address it in this post.  If you are having problems getting to the downloads section i recomend the following: go to the yahoo search engine and do a search on the subject that would appear in starfleet universe, for eaxample, i type in starfleet command patch 2552. After you get a list of websites click on the starfleet universe link which will take you to patch 2552 in starfleet universe. Once you are there you can access other downloads such as missions and mods. The abovementioned asteroid mission is there as well as the orion missions for sfc2 plus many other great ones for sfc 1,2 and op. I have no idea why this works the way it does, i stumbled on this solution when looking for the patch for op.\


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Somebody see if they can get this SFC1 Mission The Quantum Factor to NW PLEASE!

I have no intentions on getting a FilePlanet subscription at this time and I can't find my copy on disk at the moment.

KUDOS NW! Thanks for looking into the RR update/variant for SFC: OP+.


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #109 on: November 17, 2006, 01:05:34 pm »
Thx germ!

Well, I guess y'all have noticed by now that with the new script configurations it has become wayyyyyy easier for me to add scenarios.  (Wish I'd managed to get the restructuring working a long time ago, but hey.)

I'm also thinking about adding an across-the-barrier style of mission.  The idea is you've just crossed through a nasty chunk of space (simulated in the  scenario by starting you out in a nebula in the midst of a wide and densely packed belt of ion storms, maybe even throw in some dust clouds), and there's an enemy vessel waiting for you when you come out.

Sooner or later I'm going to run out of time or ideas, but so far I seem to be getting them largely debugged as we go (crosses fingers).  We really do need a test server at some point though, otherwise there's just no way to be sure the scenarios are debugged for flying with wings.   (They all revert to pure combat in PvP situations, so hopefully that part won't be a worry.)


Offline GermzSlap

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Somebody see if they can get this SFC1 Mission The Quantum Factor to NW PLEASE!

I have no intentions on getting a FilePlanet subscription at this time and I can't find my copy on disk at the moment.

KUDOS NW! Thanks for looking into the RR update/variant for SFC: OP+.



I do have a FilePlanet subscription, however when i went to download quantum factor i got an error message unable to dowload.This does happen with FilePlanet from time to time. I followed their recomendations to fix the problem but it still didnt work, they suggest i contact customer service which i will do.Not sure why its not working, i dowloaded loads of missions from there recently so go figure.

I will try downloading at a later time, hopefully it will work then. Sorry KF, i tried.


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NW have you played the Quantum Factor mission yet?

Inquiring minds want to know...

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #112 on: November 18, 2006, 01:47:34 pm »
Didn't somebody write a mission once with a Casino in it for SFC3?   Would it be possible to have a brothel?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #113 on: November 19, 2006, 08:57:34 pm »

OK, I finally got that last batch debugged (the displacement device, barrier crossing, and pseudo-repair rendezvous) and posted, plus killed a whole lotta other mission-results bugs that were lurking around.

I think now the four scripts are interacting pretty well - even if you're hitting the same hex over and over you seem to get a decent mission mix.

There might still be a few bugs around the contraband handling, but hopefully that's got most of the others.

DH - I'll think about the brothel mission ... do you want a cameo as Kroma's cabin boy, or the other way 'round?   ;)


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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #114 on: November 20, 2006, 10:50:31 am »

OK, I've updated the post at the top of the thread, I think all the scenarios are correctly listed/numbered/described now.  We're currently sitting at 43 scenarios, many of which have a couple of variations in how they can play out.

I was surprised at how well the displacement device mission went - kudos to Karnak for the idea on how to implement it!

Now back to testing...

Offline Kzinbane

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Hey Dave, if I want to update to the new scenarios do I just DL again and install or do I have to do some deleting or something first?


Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #116 on: November 20, 2006, 12:25:47 pm »

just download and install, no need to do any uninstalls or deletes


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Anomaly report:

I had another ten second patrol deep inside Federation space in a starbase hex.

A planet materialized, there was a flash as something blew up and I got the mission failure message. The planet obstructed my veiw so I'm not sure if it were an asteroid or base defense mission. This has only happened oce so far...

Repeat question worth +1 Karma:

NW have you played the Quantum Factor SFC1 mission yet?

Inquiring minds want to know...

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #118 on: November 20, 2006, 07:25:03 pm »

Thanks KF - I'll see if I can figure out which one it was.

And no, haven't found Quantum Factor yet (I've got a bias against fileplanet, and haven't found any other live links to it yet)


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Thanks KF - I'll see if I can figure out which one it was.

And no, haven't found Quantum Factor yet (I've got a bias against fileplanet, and haven't found any other live links to it yet)

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