Topic: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateering)  (Read 59696 times)

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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Uhm...2288 or 89 I think it was.  Could have been 87, I just don't remember now.

I'll hop into the server right now and see what it says...

EDIT: Hmm...the Directory Server appears to be down...

Now who are we supposed to contact when that happens?  :huh:
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Alphageek

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I was in a single player campaign, so I'm not sure of the year.  One of the earlier ones.  I could still buy DDs and CL's. 

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Not to hound you or anything Dave, but do we have an update of any type?  Not neccessarily looking for a patch, but just looking to see if there is any progress in bug swatting.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Beta version: a more patrol-like patrol...(now includes piracy and privateer
« Reply #283 on: February 10, 2007, 03:50:36 pm »

Sorry Q, it's going to be awhile yet - the nearest lull in RL for me looks to be about two weeks away


Offline Alphageek

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In single player mode, the enemy pick seems to be way off.  I was flying a frigate and got a light cruiser and and a heavy cruiser for enemies.

Offline Alphageek

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Dave, I got an error message about the scenario not being able to generate appropriate AI oppostion.  It was during a scan mission.  I was flying as a Pirate.  I'm not sure which year it was.  There was a number:  34.0.  I hope that helps.

Offline Alphageek

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Two possible errors here.  One was in which I had one ship targeted, and tried to beam over marines to take it over.  The non-targeted ship was taken over.

The second was excessively heavy AI opposition in single player.  A heavy cruiser and a light cruiser against a pirate BCH1 seems a little much.

Offline Alphageek

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I fought against another pirate who cheated me (tried to keep the goods and the money).  He fired once and never moved.  This was in single player.  The AI opposition has been pretty heavy too.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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I've been out of the loop for a while, can somebody PM me a link to the newest mission pack?  I should be able to put a test server back up on sunday
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Offline NuclearWessels

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I've been out of the loop for a while, can somebody PM me a link to the newest mission pack?  I should be able to put a test server back up on sunday

Sorry DH - Hasn't been one in awhile (the link at the top of this thread is still the latest)

No ETA on a new one yet


Offline FPF-DieHard

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I've been out of the loop for a while, can somebody PM me a link to the newest mission pack?  I should be able to put a test server back up on sunday

Sorry DH - Hasn't been one in awhile (the link at the top of this thread is still the latest)

No ETA on a new one yet


Can somebody give me a link to the LATEST ones, even if they aren't "new"?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Alphageek

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I've been out of the loop for a while, can somebody PM me a link to the newest mission pack?  I should be able to put a test server back up on sunday

Sorry DH - Hasn't been one in awhile (the link at the top of this thread is still the latest)

No ETA on a new one yet


Can somebody give me a link to the LATEST ones, even if they aren't "new"?

The link at the top of the thread is still the LATEST package.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Test server is back up
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Alphageek

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Very cool.  Thanks, Die Hard.

Offline Alphageek

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Die Hard, around 2:30 a.m. EST the ED server was down.

Dave, not to keep harping, but in Single Play the bad guys are way too big.  Going up against a K-D4 in an I-FF is a bit much. 

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I was running home patrol as klingon and had a badly damaged, allied asteroid base to help by beaming security teams down. Asteroid had 5 guards and I had only 2 transporters. my 2 guards made no dint in the bases numbers,  after beaming 6 guys with no results, so I started attacking with wepons on disable. a couple of minutes made no difference in base numbers, so I switched to normal weapons and hacked them down to 2, then beamed marines on board and wound up winning the mission.  Shouldn't 3 rounds of 2 guards have reduced the base a bit? shouldn't weapons on disbalbe have reduced guards on base?
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Update please...

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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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What's the status of this Dave?

I am planning on putting a small server up after ATOK, and would like to use your warp missions.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline NuclearWessels

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This has temporarily taken a back seat while mission and editor work goes on for SGO and AOTK, I will get back onto it, I'm guessing sometime in June.


Offline Corbomite

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Just got into these missions. I know I'm a year out and I probably am repeating some things already observed so forgive me if I missed something while reading this stuff.

Ok here's my observations so far:

1) Map size/Starting range: Good. I like large maps and the starting range gives no one an advantage. The deactivated targeting and contact message is a good idea, but can the arrow be made to disappear after target lock is achieved? It gets annoying after a time. I assume that there is no status map in the Mission Briefing Screen because these are in a rough state?

2) The different options of target and possible mission ambiguity in the patrols is intriguing, however, I feel they need to be more... interactive:

a) Do we really need missions that have no point like the one where "Everything appears to be in order here sir".... Mission Complete.... and 370 PP to boot!!  :screwloose: If you really want to keep those types of missions make them worth like 10 PP or something.

b)Since when are Monsters a questionable target? I have never met a non-pissed off Monster, have you?  ;D Besides, we all don't work for the Federation.  ;)

c) I am told to keep getting closer to get a good reading (too many times), but not the "We must get within "X" to get a good reading sir" or "We must use Long Range Sensors at range "X" in order to get a good reading sir" I would expect ala the stock Scout mission. I prefer the LRS option as it makes you get within a certain range and then you have to use power. We should know the range we have to get to to achieve the information needed.

d) We should have to use the Comms Panel to trade dialog if we get a message that they feel they are being unfairly harassed (like the Gorn I met with diplomatic clearance) as in the campaign missions. I like the Asteroid one a lot, but you might want to include a message that you have to beam Marines down there to "retrieve" the cargo. i,e. capture it. I beamed the spare part over and it took me awhile to figure out how to end the mission.

e) Home Patrol with the Civilian Ship we need to board and check out: After beaming in the Security Team (in the Transporter MFD with the Spares showing too) we should get a message that we need to Capture it or at the very least have to beam our team back before destroying it. You can't get the team back at this time and I doubt their mothers would think their sacrifice was worthwhile. I have been capturing it as a matter of principle, but I think it should be a mission requirement with a penalty for a destroyed ship.

3) Terrain: I saw Ion Storms in the far distance in the Base Assault mission, but they were in a position that I can't imagine them ever coming into play. You are placed right in front of your target with the enemy ships coming in from a long distance; no real reason to go traipsing across the map to check out an ion storm! If this is something that can be randomized either in position or in frequency it would be cool to either have them show up in different places or have them show up about three wide right in front of you so you have to go around them or go through them. As long as it wasn't everytime. It would also give you the option of waiting for the stupid AI to fly though and take damage, but you lose a lot of time waiting. Its a real shame that you can't make them move. Other terrain should be included: An icy asteroid with ion storms for the tail would be a good Comet or possibly a rogue asteroid or two.

4) Bugs/Weirdness:

a) In a Home Terrain Defense mission my "help" took off in the wrong direction at mission start for about three minutes and then decided to come back and die like a good AI.

b) Saw no black hole in a black hole hex. If it was there and the map was just enormous so I missed it, I restate my previous desire to see terrain placed in a position where it has a chance to come into play, i.e. we have to know where it is at mission start.

c) The missions don't seem to scale for ship size very much. I tried up to a BB and almost always got the same mix of opponents, albeit many times multiple ones, with a dred just once. If it can be scaled a bit it would be nice. If not, its live-able.

d) I have yet to see anything other than a base attempt to cloak. Was there a patch fix to stop AI from cloaking and being useless? I can't remember.

e) Home Patrols with Planets and Bases: The AI seems to ignore me and go for the Base/Planet. It fires PD at fighters and incoming seeking weapons, but thats about it. Seems reminiscent of the AI behavior in the Derelict Mission. A larger force is in order for this I believe. I have had frigates show up to attack a SB. I just orbited the base and watched the frigate get fried. The bases should be controlable by the player as well.

f) Terrain Assault: Neutral Hex, Black Hole - Allies started the mission 90+ away (Hydran Escort and a Police ship). Miraculously survived against a Rom KVL, Mauler and BHR until I got there and even killed the Mauler while I dealt with the other two (I was in a light carrier). Even still, this is too far away for allies to start. 50 clicks max and behind us would be my preference.

g) I don't know what the status of destroyed bases is. Some missions remove them and some leave them. I even had some disappear after capture. I can't seem to find a pattern. I'll keep playing them because I do think there is a difference between the Terrain Assault bases and Base Assault bases.

Thats all I've seen so far. Great Missions Dave!! Thanks so much!
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 11:55:38 am by Corbomite »