Topic: How to create a dynaverse 3 on Home LAN  (Read 7350 times)

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Offline blanmgr

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How to create a dynaverse 3 on Home LAN
« on: October 13, 2006, 12:12:58 pm »

I have SFC 3 and I would like to setup a home dynaverse 3 so I and my son can play in the environment.  I currently have three computers in my home (2XP and 1 Win2K3).  I live in the woods of Tennessee and connecting to the internet is only available with dialup.  My dialup can only do around 20 kbps so connecting over the dial up is not an option at this time.

I have contacted Activision on their customer service number and they checked their records and SFC3 can be setup on a home LAN but they do not have any records on how to do it.  They suggested to ask a fan site because the SFC3 and dynaverse 3 is so successful.

So please help in setting this up.

my email address is


Offline thelittlegear

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Re: How to create a dynaverse 3 on Home LAN
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2008, 04:11:56 pm »
I ve got the same issue. Hope reviving this thread is better than starting a new one.

Unfortunately searching the forums yielded no results.

 - i start a server with server kit
 - i start the client (where i edited in D:\games\sfc3\MetaAssets\ClientSettings\ the entry: [AccessServerAddress])
 - and yet, connecting ingame still gives the "searching for"

Problem is, i want to build a LAN in the room where my band rehearses, and we have no internet connection.

Docs of the serverkit dont help in this matter, either.
Is it maybe that you cant run a server without it being "checked" by the access server?

Thankful for any help,


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Re: How to create a dynaverse 3 on Home LAN
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2008, 04:46:23 pm »
access server for SFC3 has changed to the following:
Either manually change the activision one, or to make it simpler Download and run the directory services updater located here:
Starfleet Headquarters out.

Fleet Commodore, XenoCorp, ISC Fleet.

Offline thelittlegear

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Re: How to create a dynaverse 3 on Home LAN
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 06:44:03 am »
Thank you SrCpt_SFHQ_XC for the newest activation server info.

As stated before, me and my bandboys have set up a lan in our rehearsal room, to play older games as a diversion when our ears are ringing.
But we dont have, and will never, have an internet connection.

So maybe you have already answered my question: Is there no way to use a Dynaverse server offline?
I find it strange that the server kitīs running alright, but i cant connect with my client because he wants to connect to the access server first.

I suspect this connection is hardcoded?


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Re: How to create a dynaverse 3 on Home LAN
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2008, 08:29:36 am »
To connect to the server, yes, it is not an option to connect to the access servers, you can still play IP games over a LAN, however the actual client will want to connect to the dynaverse access servers to find the server
Starfleet Headquarters out.

Fleet Commodore, XenoCorp, ISC Fleet.

Offline thelittlegear

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Re: How to create a dynaverse 3 on Home LAN
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2008, 01:47:11 pm »
Dear SrCpt_SFHQ_XC!

Thank you for your patience! I hope you bear with me some more.

you say: "you can still play IP games over a LAN" - what games? only skirmishes? or dynaverse 3 too?

I want to :
- run a dynaverse in  my LAN (NOT connected to Internet)
- connect with 1 or more clients to that server (NOT connected to Internet)
- we have no internet connection

is that possible, or not?

Thank you in advance