Topic: Maquis Birds of Prey Pack  (Read 1176 times)

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Maquis Birds of Prey Pack
« on: October 12, 2006, 01:43:44 pm »
Maquis Fleet Pack

Owner : Maquis 
Availability: Unlimited Service
In Service: 2377
Out of Service: n/a
Source Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "The Maquis"
Paramilitary organization of former Federation citizens formed at the colonies affected by the border changes wrought by the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370.
The Maquis grew in response to Cardassian hostilities toward these colonies and the perception that they had been abandoned by the Federation government.
Members of the Maquis had often been victims of violence directed toward them by the Cardassian military.
They felt the intention was to force them from their homes, and many chose to fight rather than leave.
The Maquis was organized in a series of cells, with only the leaders of each cell knowing the whereabouts of the other cells.
A number of Starfleet officers were sympathetic to the Maquis situation and either provided them with weapons, or left Starfleet to join their ranks.
In 2370 a group of Maquis led by Calvin Hudson defended colonies in he Demilitarized Zone that were no longer under Federation protection.
Hudson's group destroyed the Cardassian freighter Bok'Nor, resulting in several skirmishes along the border.
In 2371 Thomas Riker hijacked the Defiant from Deep Space 9 for a Maquis mission to investigate a suspected Cardassian military buildup in the Orias system.
Also during that year, a Maquis ship commanded by Chakotay was lost in the Badlands.
By 2372, members of the Maquis were no longer considered to be citizens of the Federation.
In 2373 the Maquis were almost completely wiped out by the Cardassian forces allied with the Dominion.
The Maquis defeat came despite military aid from the Klingon government, which included 30 class-4 cloaking devices.
Only a few Maquis groups survived the Cardassian and Dominion attacks, including a handful of survivors of Michael Eddington's team who were rescued from Athos IV, as well as members of Chakotay's ship who joined the crew of Voyager in the Delta Quadrant.
Upon their return from Delta quadrant, Chakotay, Tom and B'lana Paris and many of his original crew, surrender their Starfleet commisions and return to the Maquis.
By 2377 the Maquis have established their colonial government with Chakotay now serving as a reluctant president.
B'lana Paris is appointed Maquis Ambassador to the Klingon Empire, with Tom serving as her personal pilot.
In 2378 President Chakotay petitions for and wins the release of all Maquis citizens being held by the Federation, this includes one Thomas Riker who is almost immediately appointed to the position of Maquis Ambassador to the Federation.
The next several years bring a population boom as many peoples of several races find the Maquis way of life more appealing then ones under their respective governments.
Most Maquis colonies are protected with cloaking devices as are their ships.
The Maquis fleet consists of several run-a-bouts, freighters of all classes, Pereguine fighters, Federation Raider Class ships, 1 Klingon D-12, 1 K-22, and 1 Klingon K-32 serving as the Maquis flagship.
Looking at this fleet on paper would seem to be a mostly outdatted, and or underpowered fleet.
But none of the ships are what they once were being customized and upgraded in almost everyway.
Though no match for any of the major governments, for now is plenty to defend their colonies in and around the Badlands.

* The name Maquis was used by members of the French underground in World War II.
Author : ModelsPlease
Original Model(s) : Gabriel Crown aka MindBlip, and Rick Knox aka P81; altered by Ganymad
Textures : Mindblip, and P81; altered by Ganymad
Retextures : Fallen_Warrior, ModelsPlease
Kitabshed by : ModelsPlease
HP/DP's and scaling : ModelsPlease,2a2c3c790c10a27c538479ff0ba4244e.rar

Thanks to F_W for the textures  ;).
Enjoy the ships  ;D :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: October 12, 2006, 01:59:50 pm by ModelsPlease »

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Maquis Birds of Prey Pack
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2006, 04:29:28 pm »
 ;D Excellent! I love the background material as well.

Hmmm.... Korgath could use a few of these ships...

Hopefully, we'll see more ships soon from ModelsPlease and company.


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