I am with Klingon Fanatic on this one.
Two things have to happen for me to consider purchasing Legacy. First, there needs to be a Legacy plugin for Milkshape; second, the system requirements have to be such that my computer will run it.
After those two requirements are met, I will read reviews, user reports, and bug reports to decide if the entire game comes in the package that I purchase.
I will not buy something that I have to go home and download a 500 mb unofficial patch to be able to play it like SFCIII.
I also will not by a game that is not fully complete only to buy a full version with a Roman numeral "two" behind it a year later like happened with Armada.
It needs to be compatible with foreseeable windows operating systems like Total Annihilation which runs on all versions of Windows, as opposed to Armada which is buggy on XP, and SFCIII which was made exclusively for Direct X 8 the same month that Direct X 9 came out, and Elite Force, half of which will not run on XP.
Also, on the modding end, I want to see the mesh and textures compatible with low-priced average user software instead of this high-end elitist 3DMax and Photoshop Pro stuff. I have messed with those DDS files in modding other games and they are no picnic.
I think that I will stick with the stable SFC OP and original SFC until Legacy holds up to months of reviews and Bethsaida has convinced me that the major selling point is a good piece of programming and not the name "STAR TREK." I think more people should take a stand, let these gaming companies take a hit and realize that the Trek gaming community won't put up with sub-standard programs. Instead of seeing a demo movie of the ships flying around, I want to see the CPU usage, non-laggy menu screens, and a guarantee that NO patches will be needed.