What, no comments yet about last night's episode? I do have a few besides "I liked it a lot" but they are kind of political so they won't go here. One thing I absolutely did love was Cavil's reaction to being left injured beside the road. His distaste at the pain of being injured and unable to rescue himself, left to suffer misery and pain since killing him would be too quick, and that he eventually killed himself by cutting open his carotid artery was just wonderful.

I'm eagerly waiting to see what happens when Sharon learns her child IS alive...will her newly tested and proved loyalty to humanity survive?
Starbuck SUCKS as a parent.
Roslyn is every bit as good as she was last year...and I can't wait to see her float between 'school teacher' and 'kick-ass President giving tough orders'. I also liked how even though she DOESN'T have any 'legitimate' form of authority like she did immediately after the main cylon attack that destroyed the colonies, everyone still defers to her as the President. It makes a lot of sense, she ran against Baltar on the platform that they shouldn't settle on the planet (Zarek, as Baltar's VP still supported the colonization and only rebelled when it came to collaborating with the toasters). She was right, and now they're already thinking of her as the President, even though technically Zarek is next in line. I think he's smart enough to not push the issue though...