Topic: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.  (Read 46913 times)

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2006, 12:21:35 pm »
No spoilers before Friday please!  :P

Offline Sten

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #41 on: October 19, 2006, 03:18:53 pm »
Does this mean you don't want to know the part were Col. Tigh injects plasma into the plasma jet injector doolyhickie and the plasma causes the plasma port thingamabob to explode burning the insulation off the doohicky near Ellens noodle thereby causing 3rd degree burns to her left hand ring finger, revealing she is a pregnant Cylon?


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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #42 on: October 19, 2006, 07:26:00 pm »
Sten, you bastard!

How ya been?  :)

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #43 on: October 20, 2006, 11:59:37 pm »
oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak oh frak


I just got done watching the episode.  I came off the couch when Galactica JUMPED INTO THE FRAKING ATMOSPHERE!!!  That was well fraking done with the reentry burn and the dropping like a rock...then launching vipers and jumping back out...that whole special effect blows everything up to now away...not to mention the timely arrival of the Pegasus and it's immolation taking out the basestars to let Galactica get away. 

Oh damn fine...

and did anyone else notice the last scene was in the starboard hangar bay?  Looks like they got it online again in the last year.

Frak, and the scenes with Starbuck and Leoben when she fraking KNIFES him in the gut and TWISTS the knife.  Oh yeah...and the revelation that Casey ain't hers after mind frak on her...

Yep, BSG is back and this fan is god...I'm tempted to not watch anymore because this beats Best of Both Worlds and the DS9 battle scenes...
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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #44 on: October 21, 2006, 12:16:05 am »

Any of you rubes still watching this piss-poor excuse of a sci-fi show have to be pissed right now over the implimentation of the super reset button, right?  I mean, come on people!  All that crap they put you through since the last season's half-finale's been magically wiped away by this episode.


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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #45 on: October 21, 2006, 12:57:35 am »
If you call that a 'reset' you really need to see a doctor, my friend.  May Ellen rest in peace...sure as hell she never got any when she was alive...
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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #46 on: October 21, 2006, 01:17:24 am »
I'm still thinking that Baltar's going to wind up on the big pedestal chair.  "To find humans, we'll use a human."  Its either that, or he'll get a final redemption by saving Hera.  Gaida may be frakked, also.  Sooner or later they had to get rid of Pegasus. 

Last thought......Apollo.....Tigh....Helo......Apollo......Tigh......Helo......

How is this little thing going to work out.  Technically, Apollo now outranks Tigh, correct?  Oh yeah, I forgot about Apollo's wife....Now we've got an Admiral with no military fleet, a commander with no ship, and three XO's for one ship.  Seems we're a bit top heavy.  I'm guessing Apollo gets his ass back in shape and gets back in a Viper.....that's where he needs to be, anyway.  Tigh might be completely broken, now.  Seems like the type to fall in with Zarek, possibly, but Adama's brought him back from the ragged edge once before, it could feasibly happen again, I suppose.
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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #47 on: October 21, 2006, 01:32:34 am »
That jump into the atmo took serious BALLZ i gotta say that episode was great.

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #48 on: October 21, 2006, 04:32:56 am »
Tigh has definitely moved into one of the most interesting characters on the show.
Really didn't like him the first few episodes, but man, the trauma the guys been through.
They better be keeping him around !!  >:(
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Offline Sten

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #49 on: October 21, 2006, 06:52:56 am »
Last night after watching this episode the first thing that hit my mind was this has been the best episode of BSG to date. I still feel that way.

That was simply a great episode. I have never watched the same episode of anything back to back much less three times in one night just so I could watch for all the small things I had missed before.

The Gallactica launching in atmosphere was simply cool beyond belief. Vipers exiting the launch tubes bathed in fire from the Galactica what a visual!

Great battle scene above the planet.

By the time the show ended last night you had to feel Tighe has been through hell and back and is now about to venture back to hell once more.

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2006, 07:30:04 am »

Any of you rubes still watching this piss-poor excuse of a sci-fi show have to be pissed right now over the implimentation of the super reset button, right?  I mean, come on people!  All that crap they put you through since the last season's half-finale's been magically wiped away by this episode.


Why the personal attack Rat Boy.

This rube fails to see the reset button. No one woke up from a dream. No one has returned from the Nexus to save the Galaxy one last time, No technobabble to flesh out a story.

So please the rubes comment was uncalled for.

The writing on this show has surpassed any story the origianl show ever tried, and I will say BSG is on par with the Babylon 5 series, beating Star Trek storylines, hands down to date.

I would rather put up with the use of frakk throughout the series versus a technobabble solution to every other episode of the series ala TNG.

Change the channel if you don't like it. Your lose not mine rube!


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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #51 on: October 21, 2006, 11:37:19 am »
Did anybody pick up on the fact that Zarek is officially the president now?


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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #52 on: October 21, 2006, 06:14:11 pm »
I was wondering about that as well. Will Adama even allow the goverment to return?

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #53 on: October 21, 2006, 07:25:55 pm »

Anybody else think Helen knew the drink was poisoned? Its that look she gave Tigh, like she knew it had to be done for both their sake.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #54 on: October 21, 2006, 07:37:43 pm »
Yeah I think she knew. I think though she was just so frakked (fracked? ) up she didn't care
and figured it was better than being shot or something.

I kinda like how Gaeta almost seemed to jump out of Tigh's way at the end. Also be interesting to see
how big the "collaborator" hunt goes.
Not to mention the amusement from who fits in where in the military with everyone coming back.
Don't see Cat being happy if Starbuck's put back in charge
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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #55 on: October 22, 2006, 12:15:18 am »
I don't think she knew. She's too collossally stupid.

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #56 on: October 22, 2006, 02:18:52 am »
Whatever their reasons, one thing was made awfully clear in the first four episodes of this season.  Ellen and Saul Tigh love(d) each other a lot.  Sure, they've had a dysfunctional as hell marriage, but they DID love each other.  I think that was what made his poisoning her so heart-rending for me.  It's also a scary picture into Tigh's soul...that he is so dedicated to the fight against the cylons that he will kill his own wife.

The special effects were absolutely top-notch.  The Galactica didn't fly in dropped like a rock.  Then it started burning as it dropped, and did you notice the concussive force as it jumped back out as well as the instant hail from the freezing cold caused by the jump? 

Another thing...the Colonial Movers craft didn't make it looks like it was shot down as it tried to lift off.  Also the vipers doing their missile runs on the guard tower and the detention gates was another damn nice scene.  Reminds us they have more than just 'guns' to shoot.  As for Peggy's last stand...if you've got to go out, that's one hell of a way to go out!

"I think you've earned some type of reward for being right" That line by D'anna (Lucy Lawless cylon) says we'll be seeing a lot more prominence of Gaius Baltar in the cylon circles.  It might even be enough to lift Caprica Six back up in the eyes of the Cylons.  Considering how demented a pair those two are, it might be a good thing.

As for Tom Zarek, does anyone really think he'll get the President's job?  No matter that he DID spend four months in detention, he still supported settling on the planet.  Laura Roslyn opposed that plan and lost the election because she opposed it.  Even if Zarek leaks about her attempting to steal the election, I bet most of the colonials will respond as Zarek himself did "I wish you'd done it." (He said that to her right when they thought they were about to be killed in Episode 2 of this season).  Laura will lead the people because her vision for the direction of the fleet was the right one, and now everyone has paid a high price because they did not listen to her. 

As for Apollo's possible objections...he's learned his lessons.

Okay, just my predictions...and another prediction...Anders won't last long, possibly not much longer after this next episode.  Starbuck is going to be so fraked in the head it's going to take her a long time to adjust to being back among people and having duties.  Tigh...Tigh won't be fit for duty for a long time, if ever.  Lee will be X.O., Starbuck might get back as CAG.  Helo and Dee Adama will take shifts as watch leaders for the 'off' shifts or something like that...
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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #57 on: October 22, 2006, 02:45:36 am »
I agree about Anders- don't really see a huge role for him on Galactica. Bet he's a Cylon. <sneaky bastard>
Listened to the podcast, sounds like they're keeping the Tigh has issues storyline for at least this year. (Where he better not die after..)
But I hope they do something other than the alcoholic in the corner role.

I mean the guy's taken heat for just about everything, no one other than Adama seems to really respect let alone like him (at least before the occupation)
Personally (kinda) took responsibility for the suicide bombers (which I'm guessing will come back to haunt him), ran the resistance, got tortured and the old eye plucked out. Only got releaased because of his wife, then murdered her.
Gets back to the ship and is (again) ignored by everyone.

Now I admit I haven't personally done any of those things, but that's gotta mess you up.
And being (at best) a recovering alcoholic can't make it any nicer.
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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #58 on: October 22, 2006, 10:27:25 am »
As for Tom Zarek, does anyone really think he'll get the President's job?  No matter that he DID spend four months in detention, he still supported settling on the planet.  Laura Roslyn opposed that plan and lost the election because she opposed it.  Even if Zarek leaks about her attempting to steal the election, I bet most of the colonials will respond as Zarek himself did "I wish you'd done it." (He said that to her right when they thought they were about to be killed in Episode 2 of this season).  Laura will lead the people because her vision for the direction of the fleet was the right one, and now everyone has paid a high price because they did not listen to her. 

Zarek is politically astute enough to know that Roslin's stock is going to be sky-high for the forseeable future. Whether or not he simply gives up the throne is another matter entirely.

I suppose they could call for a Cali-style recall election, since Baltar is such a tard. That seems like a bit of a shark jump though.

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Re: BSG season 3.0 spoilers thread.
« Reply #59 on: October 23, 2006, 05:52:57 am »
I have missed every episode of the third season so far.  I skimmed this thread just enough to figure out, yeah, it's just as good as the last one.

To all those who've seen it:  I hate you.  I hate you so very, very much. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight