180 acres, if in a square, is nearly 5/8th of a mile by 5/8 of a mile. If in a narrower pathway, think of it as 1/4 of a mile wide by about 1.2 miles long, or the width equal to the lengh of a football field, but 6 miles long.
You should see my Jogging trail.
Seriously, I have always had an open invite to members here, and of course there families. Dizzy and I have tried for the better part of Years to get together. It's funny, even though he is a shallow one tracked minded SOB, he does remind me alot of me, according to my wife.
We've had some great moments out here also, Our Very own frey for instance, Fired his first Rifle on my property. I'll hold that as a Feather in my cap to this day.
Shoot, This month, I'm also building a new PC for use as an FTP server strictly for us peeps here. Come Nov ember, I hope To use it as a repository for all things Dyna and uhm, well I better not mention
That Folder. 
Anywho, Hunting season is up, Your family likes to eat, I enjoy the company from you peeps here, It's a win win situation.
Don't make me Buy a hot tub to bribe you all, that's so Early Dynaverse and Hoochie.
Oh yeah, There is the still in the well house, but don't tell Dracho.