Well... school's the only thing cuz we have the money to make the trip. I'll see when Brandon can get 2 days off or somehow mysteriously get sick for a cpl days or something. I'll keep ya posted. Start saving bottles/cans... Berte says she will pwn us both in marksmanship...
Remember, I'm getting old and shakey, why I have to use a shotgun most of the time. Why just the other day, I was out gathering eggs from the birds out here, and damned If I didn't have to shoot them just to get them out of the way.
Heh, I got a funny visit this morning. You know about me and the copperheads, well, this guy pulls up in my yard, and tried to explain to me, that you can only kill 6 snakes a day, and even then you can't kill rattlesnakes. I simply walked him over to where the Brushhog was, and Lifted it up, 12 gauge in hand.
When the baby copperheads started going crazy and wandering towards him, I asked if it was ok with the state to go ahead and shoot more then 6?
HE was glad to comply and after a few burst from the mosseburg, He said he wouldn't bother me anymore with pesky Wildlife issues.
Speak softly and carry a twelve gauge, that's my motto.