*wipe tears from eye*
Such bravery, such valor, such courage, such . . .
Karnak clomps noisily down the empty halls of CSS Khazad-dum (I-CC class) towards the bridges. The doors swoosh open to a dark and danky darkness.
Sighing, the frog wipes dust off a panel with a carefully manicured fore finger.
"Hello, computer?"
"Is anybody here?"
Hmm, let me try this button:
"Hello, computer?"
An eerie silence is all tha responds to the hails.
Wait a minute this is Karnak's ship, not some mamby-pamby Gorner flying brick-block.
The ship suddenly springs alive and powers up pronto.
With new-found satisfaction, Karnak straightens out his uniform, which now feels a little tight, and proclaims to the stars:
"The ISC Navy shall advance. The CCZs shall make the enemy whine again and we shall enjoy every minute of it. Say your prayers cuz we got some BBQing to do."
PS. Let me know if you need a wing Paladin
