The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever would work well as a huge mini-series, say 3-4 two-hour episodes per book. Sci-Fi could put them into the mix between their seasons for things like May/November sweeps. That would be NICE.
So would Turtledove (would anyone be surprised that I read his books too?). The alien invasion story is my favorite though, and I really loved the early books where the alien technology was so much more advanced, yet at the same not TOO advanced. You gotta love Sam Yeager, the minor league ball player who reads Sci-Fi turned alien handler and eventually Ambassador to Home.

(um, alien homeworld for those who haven't read the books).
At the end of the latest book I read, where the human starship proves it is more advanced than anything the lizards had ever developed...there was a bastard smile on my face.
(Yes, I know better than to bring up the whole issue of nuking of the colonization fleet and turning in the United States President who was responsible for the murder of millions of lizard civilians. Woops)