Topic: Challange/Request  (Read 5626 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Challange/Request
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2007, 05:49:28 pm »
Well, Until it's finished, it doesn't really look like anyones design...I can always change it up if they don't want their work this point I'm treating as a tool to re-learn how to model...alot of lines and details that I used to be able to do in a matter of hours I'm having to remember how to if the fine ppl at Glitchwerks deny use, then it will never be released...but maybe a version that can be considered a totally different ship. ;)

Glitchwerks cant copyright a copyrighted mirak anyway. Model away!

EDIT: And if you want to get technical, his copyright extends so far as that picture. Any resemblance to it in a 3d model is merely suspect. Change the bridge windows and the emblem. ;)

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Re: Challange/Request
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2007, 05:59:31 pm »
Way ahead of ya Dizzy ... I've always changed a few things here and there with my models, and this one is no exception, but it is shaping up very close to the design.

IF we hit a wall, it can be changed enough to not violate the 13 points of copyright law ... besides that ... As I mentioned to you before, Larry Niven might have something to say about anyone copyrighting anything Kzinti ... or for that matter, ADB might have an issue when it comes to starship visuals, which is no problem here within the confines of free modeling for SFC. Either way, I see this model making it into the game with slight variation at most.

I, Mudd

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Re: Challange/Request
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2007, 06:38:25 pm »


Regarding the ORIGINAL, what I think is supposed to be a pre-TOS, design...

It doesnt look like a Kzinti-Miralk design to me. It looks more like a flying lobster to me...

I'm sure Sandman and I, Mudd will come up with something really cool to play with.

How about a high poly version of the Mirak ship seen in the SFC: EAW game box cover and the SFC: EAW intro movie?

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Re: Challange/Request
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2007, 06:54:43 pm »
Looks nice. Did a LAN Campaign here set during the 1st Kzinti - Federation war in the 2180's. Daedalus, Moskva and  Magelan cruisers, Tiger and Eris frigates, Warrior and Crusader BB and DN. Small, clumsey,  limited ships for players to operate. Ex- Warbird jockeys didn't notice th difference.

Makes a change from the usual SFB "Salamander" appearance of the stock fleet. I downloaded a whole whole Kzinti fleet modelled exactly on the original SKYTREX 1980's models..

Why stop at just this one CA starship?? A whole family of ships could be created from dirivatives of this design.

Anyone have any ideas for  an frigate, (Kzintis don't seriously go into destroyers!!), light cruisers, cruisers,dreadnaughts, batleships, freighters and auxilaries.
The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Challange/Request
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2007, 12:32:57 am »
KF, the gem of this model design isa that its unique and never before been done. I'm so tired of the taldren and spinoffs I've seen at battle clinic. We have over a thousand fed models and under 100 for mirak. This design I think may make a whole fleet... If me and chuut are crazy about it, i think it will fly. And yeah, it does look like a lobster! I love it!