Topic: Civilization complete is now only 19.99 at Best Buy  (Read 1627 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Civilization complete is now only 19.99 at Best Buy
« on: September 20, 2006, 10:25:05 pm »
You get Civ 3, Play the world, and the Conquests all in the box with a nice thick manual!

Be sure to set to accel production, I was wondering how I aced Civ 1 and 2 then I could barely get into the Industrial age by 2050 (End of game).

You can also have up to 6 players online. so if some of ya'll have it already or are gonna buy it and want to get a game going, holler at me and we can see if we can get a group game going.

Right now I am Persia and developing a modern blue water navy and oh yes, I want the A-bomb too!

Sid Meir has a sense of humor "The Americans are liars and cheaters, be very cautious when dealing with them."

Another favorite is when I was getting my arse spanked before the British queen actually had the nerve to tell me "All you base are belong to us" when I asked for a peace treaty as soon as her modern forces landed on my Spanish shores.  ;D

Oh yeah, J.C., they have a Japan vs the U.S. Pacific theater scenario too!  ;D Now you can play the bad guy and sink American ships!

Ya'll will enjoy it, and it's cheap! I'm gonna go back to my Persian Jihad against Lincoln and the U.S.!  ;)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Civilization complete is now only 19.99 at Best Buy
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 10:58:23 pm »
Not to nitpick...but go with the flow, Accellerated Production isn't needed if you play it the way they want you to play.

I played Accel Prod twice, then I started playing better with standard production.  Then I started moving up the difficulty level.  If the game wasn't horrendous when it comes to Multiplayer coding, I'd still be playing that game.  I like the combat system much better than in ciV.  Although I may warm up to it more once I finally get to a modern war with Warlords.  Closest I usually get is WWI era, I usually get to tanks and then game is over...  ;D
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Offline Father Ted

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Re: Civilization complete is now only 19.99 at Best Buy
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2006, 07:03:27 am »
I never could get into Civ3. I tried it, uninstalled, reinstalled, tried it again, ad nauseum but just never had the fun I did with the first two. I switched to AoE II when I finally got bored to death of CivII earlier this summer.

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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Civilization complete is now only 19.99 at Best Buy
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2006, 08:27:19 am »
I'll buy AOE 2 next then Ted. AOE was one of my favorite games from the oldie but goodie selections. I too have a problem with Civ3, if you have a full load of A.I. countries, it tends to get bogged down later as more units are all in the game, it does not make sense as it designed to run on a minimum of a P2 400 Mhz processor, and I have a AMD 3500plus with 1 gig of RAM.  :(

I wish Sid Meirs would leave Civ alone and go redo Pirates for a multiplayer game. I can't remember what sailing game I played back in 98, it was so cool, there were fortresses to bombard and patrols on the high seas and everything, and most importantly you had crew morale to worry about, as well as ammo and food supplies and the need to refit.  ;)

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Civilization complete is now only 19.99 at Best Buy
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2006, 12:09:16 am »
Sid Meir has a sense of humor, the Americans have oil and they are liars and cheats. I got a surprise for them though, I have da bomb!

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Civilization complete is now only 19.99 at Best Buy
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2006, 07:40:12 am »
Sid Meir has a sense of humor, the Americans have oil and they are liars and cheats. I got a surprise for them though, I have da bomb!

I always built them, but unless another civ really pissed me off, I never used them. But, I did have a drunken temper tantrum when a huge band of barbarians sprung up one night. Instead of sending a couple of tanks and bombers, I nuked'em.  ;D

Captain: USS Majestik Moose NCC-1712

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