You get Civ 3, Play the world, and the Conquests all in the box with a nice thick manual!
Be sure to set to accel production, I was wondering how I aced Civ 1 and 2 then I could barely get into the Industrial age by 2050 (End of game).
You can also have up to 6 players online. so if some of ya'll have it already or are gonna buy it and want to get a game going, holler at me and we can see if we can get a group game going.
Right now I am Persia and developing a modern blue water navy and oh yes, I want the A-bomb too!
Sid Meir has a sense of humor "The Americans are liars and cheaters, be very cautious when dealing with them."
Another favorite is when I was getting my arse spanked before the British queen actually had the nerve to tell me "All you base are belong to us" when I asked for a peace treaty as soon as her modern forces landed on my Spanish shores.

Oh yeah, J.C., they have a Japan vs the U.S. Pacific theater scenario too!

Now you can play the bad guy and sink American ships!
Ya'll will enjoy it, and it's cheap! I'm gonna go back to my Persian Jihad against Lincoln and the U.S.!