You misunderstand.
No....I understand perfectly...I've been here the whole time.....since before time, in game terms....I'm well aware of the nobility of giving a team a hand up in the name of sportmanship...That is not an issue...nor is the honor of the lets set those issues aside shall we?...
I accuse you of nothing at all. Don't take it personal.
When you address me specificly and state:
"This "having your stuff together" old saw is merely a rationalization for wishing to exploit a superior turnout which has nothing to do with player skill or superior strategic thinking and then basking in the glow of victory as if one had done something miraculous. Do you want an fair game or not? Anything else is an illusion.
I am ussuming you are in fact addressing me...and you in fact intended to put that statement together and type it...and click post...
So yes...after going through all those steps...I will take such personally...
What I am saying is that when a side has a numbers advantage and thereby win a server, they pat themselves on the back when it has nothing to do with skill. It's turnout. That's not really very interesting.
But I am matter what...this will not change....unless you are willing to force half your team to fight your own team..."alliance A vs Alliance B"....
Floating the geese back and forth is an illusion...moral support....
People won't show if they don't show.
No arguement there....
You gonna pay em to. I don't think so.
Just as soon as I can figure out a way to make money playing SFC...we'll all be rich...
I'm trying to balance things so we all can have a good time without one side getting discourage because people don't show. it is....that is a matter for that team to address.....not for an admin to artifically make up for, by replacing those discouraged people with people from the side who holds a current stop a route possibly...but just to balance numbers by the hour or even by a twelve huor shift still wont make up for those missing players.....
Failure to address it will not solve the problem...
And please don't give me that old "War Game" excuse.
It's not an's a war game...plain and simple...
It's a game and therefore should be fair and balanced.
Fair and balanced does not mean stalemate....
If should be up to the RM to request help from the geese....or it isnt a game at's a plaything for the admin....
Do we allow an NFL team to field more players just because they have a better marketing business and can afford to hire more?
No, we have salary caps and of course only so many players per side.
The more correct curcumstance...using your anolgy, would be:
Do we allow NFL teams who are losing the season to take players from winning teams?
I would think you answer would be no...we dont...
Things are not fair in war,
Or war games.....many senarios are losing fights....the challenge is to last the longest in the face of those stalemate the unwinnable...
A war gamer will take the losing fight for the challenge...a plain old gamer wont...they want to win....not winning means no fun...
But to the wargame...the game is the fun...
but this is not war and any analogy demeans the horror of the actual thing.
I'm sorry...I wasnt aware that we had perfected warp drive and ventured into the stars , only to run into the ruthless and dangerous klingon empire...
(yes I mock you with great pleasure and fart in your general direction for the attempt to guilt trip me)
Calling something a war game does not mean you can throw fairness out the window or that anything becomes acceptable.
Nor did I say anything of the fact what I am that this ISNT fair to the team who may have the upper hand at anyone point in the server...the coalition usually musters forces twords the end of a secret if the geese had influence in keeping the empire in a strategic state of a draw ( the goal of "fairness")...and the coalition mounts a last mintue puch to a major VC to win a was that ever fair to the alliance?...who...if they hadnt have gotten the upper hand early....wouldnt have lost pilots when they needed them most?
Riddle me that...
Would you prefer I hunt you down and put a bullet in your head to get you off the server? I think not.
Would you like my address?

It's a game. Let's treat it as such. if we play monoply...and I get low on cash.....can I grap some of yours?
If we are playing battle ship.....can I get do-overs on my battle ship loss?
Can I have extra miners in stratego?
Will you spot me a couple hundred armies for risk?
Can I get double dice in trouble? on tuesdays?
I play for fun...winning is a bonus...
Face it....the geese wont fix 6 pages of rule fatigue...
And IS war.....we got voice coms, strategery, battle plans,commanders freaking out at ship losses....miraculaous victories against unseeming odds....all that...
As I said....I have no quarrel with the sentiment behind the geese....but I question the effect on a "fair" game.