I wonder what the possibility is of utilising PHP/MySQL to allow/disallow sign ups for races based on recent activity?
Say we have a 4 race server for the sake of example.
The Feds have a large sign up, last time I was here they stayed high. Then you get Klinks, then Rom Or Mirak in this example.
After a few days many Roms haven't signed on but the other races are fighting valiantly so the only options on the server for start characters are Rom...
Downsides are:
Player wishes. If you didn't like Rom you just wouldn't sign up if you felt that strongly. Leading to a potential lost player.
Cuckoos. Player signs up as a Rom hoping the balance will change later and feeds info to their preferred side. Apologies, no slur intended! Just an example.

Separate issue that can be resolved by limited comms.
Script writing to manipulate server setting and so on.
Leading me to the next train of thought...
What about allowing all race sign ups as normal but when the server activity of Roms has hit a low for a few days or whatever, the highest race has a limit on active players able to login?
Severely p**sed off player who just wants to play his/her side.
Loyalty - see above. Separate issue that can be resolved by limited comms.
Allows geese a server initiated prompt (disallowing login for majority race above a certain limit ) to switch sides that is more regulated to ebb and flow of normal traffic.
I can't remember how the gf file that looked after race logins was looked at by the server, whether updates were allowed realtime or on reboot. I suspect reboot would be needed.
Anyway, just rambling out some thoughts.