Some of STOC was pre SA, especially the VG1 campaign. I entered the original VG in Turn 8 as a Fed. And honestly, I don't think I have the VG rules from SFCI to check what we did to resolve base attacks. I do know it was very important to me as the Hydran leader as bases provided supply for fleets (3 hex range) and I took out a lot of Klink bases to secure my borders during VG2. (doncha just love the lack of bases along the klink/hydran border?

Damage was pretty simple, if a ship took over 50% damage in combat, it was considered damaged on the VG map (look for the ones with red lines across the tile). That meant no strategic movement (which was only base to base anyways) and it had to be repaired at a base or FRD (the tiles with the big H on them). If they got into combat, spd 15 was the max it could do (player enforced there) and SA provided random 50% damage. In the original rules, they took on class smaller to represent the damaged ship. (ie a Fed CL would represent a damaged Fed CC/CA)
As for starting up a similar game, yeah, I got discouraged... if I start back up again, I will probably start with the STOC VG2 Rule set and modify from there. A lot of it worked quite well. Battle resolution is quite the bugger for large fleets though.