I barely caught BoT, missing the teaser and the first act or two (I caught up on a commercial after the Romulans were revealed to look like Spock) and started recording (I made a recording blunder or two, however, that made me miss part of it). The time/syndication cuts annoyed me (I have TOS on DVD, all three seasons), but I saw the new graphics and the way it was done. I liked it. It's faithful to TOS in some aspects while in one aspect or another it seems more reminicant of the late-1990s-to-2000/2001 in some way (a new shot of the BoP or Big E). The new more blue phaser-looking proximity phasers, the new plasma torp that didn't look like it come from the 1960s Batman spoof, the different take at the comet...
I just liked it. I sort-of expected a more modern take as I originally feared (but soon didn't, or something, when I went crosseyed in my previous post), and after watching an episode, I see it had a hint of that in a shot or two, but it's still faithful to TOS. I have the more-contemporary shot of the Big E (a screenshot of it) resized and set as my wallpaper, and while there wasn't apparently any shiny aztec (although the quality of the shot wasn't great) on the beautiful Big E, I saw some on the BoP. On either-or, it was nicely done.
What suprised me was some of the negative reaction on Trek BBS. I respect their beliefs, but a comment or two left me baffled. I'd like to go on, but I don't want to further bring in another message board community and belittle some of their opinions, I'll just respect 'em.