Topic: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired  (Read 5073 times)

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Offline Khalee1

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Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« on: September 16, 2006, 06:33:16 pm »
Ive pretty much been up since 9:30 last night part of that because I was open and wound up not going in, which kinda screwed up my sleeping. Suppose to go in tonight but Im debating weither or not to try as I'll have to drive, but I know from past expreance what happens if I do that I might make it in but by the time I get off I'll be falling asleep at the wheel.

In a couple more hours I got to make the dission to call in or not but man I've been doing all I can to try to get some sleep, and I really don't want to take any more sleeping pills, as the ones I took havnt really help any today. 

Offline Soliton

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2006, 01:28:11 am »
If I really want to go to sleep, I take two anti-histamines as that knocks me out like nothing else. I guess I do this as opposed to sleeping pills as I've never heard of anyone getting hooked on anti-histamines.

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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2006, 01:32:35 am »
I take some strong pain relievers that are also sleep aids, but when they do not work (Most OTC meds do not), then there is a wonderful non-narcotic sleeping pill called Ambien, it rocks! If it was good enough for Kennedy it's good enough for me! Prescription only unless you live near Canada or Mexico.

I know how you feel K, you are not the only one that has a brain that will not shut down so easily. I did the worst thing in the past though, I self-medicated myself using booze, and it worked great for a couple of years (Alcohol is a sedative) but then the monkey bared it's teeth and tore me a new one. Glad I know that monkey well now and use other alternatives.

Offline Soreyes

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2006, 02:00:18 am »
Try reading a good book. It seems to help me relax and drift off to sleep.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2006, 02:41:38 am »
Cool thread. How many of you are dislexic, agnostic insomnics that stay up all night wondering if there's really a dog?

I'm a hypochondriac myself. If I cough wrong I think I have lung cancer... I've spent many nights freaking out looking up symptoms on the net to see what's wrong with me, hehe. I get so worried and worked up about it I cant sleep. Sucks. I think hypochondria is a disease itself. I suffer miserably. That's what keeps me up at night...

Reading a boring book mb... I might need my anxiety pill tonight, my elbow has been hurting...

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2006, 03:03:09 am »
Single-Malt Islay Scotch, if it doesn't put you to sleep at least being up isn't so bad  ;)

If you don't want to drink a book usually works, go for non-fiction for the best results.

Offline Khalee1

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2006, 06:38:05 am »
Well I called in Surprised he didn't call back trying to get me to go in, finally went to bed around 10:30 and just woke up about a hour ago. Gonna haft to go in tonight just can't miss two days of work.

Last time I had a bad spell I was up literally for three days, and the only thing I was able to do  durring that time was catch a nap every now and then.

Haven't had it this bad in a while hope I'll be able to sleep this afternoon so I can go in tonight.

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2006, 08:45:59 am »
I've had spells where I can't sleep for up to three, and sometimes, four straight days. I find it's usually related to my stress level from work, family, or whatever, but usually it's work related. Usually, I just have to ride it out, because booze, OTC sleeping pills and books don't work for me. Hopefully, you'll find the right solution.

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2006, 12:28:12 pm »
Just listen to a Ted Kennedy or John Kerry speech...that always zones me out, since they really have nothing to say

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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2006, 12:43:34 pm »
I used to have to just park the car in a parking lot on the way home from work and take a nap in order to make the trip home "safely".  By that time I knew I was missing time and sleeping may take a bit to gear down all the way, but I just shouldn't/couldn't go on.

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2006, 03:03:33 am »
I've had spells where I can't sleep for up to three, and sometimes, four straight days. I find it's usually related to my stress level from work, family, or whatever, but usually it's work related. Usually, I just have to ride it out, because booze, OTC sleeping pills and books don't work for me. Hopefully, you'll find the right solution.

Were you hearing stuff and seeing things? Being up for that long is really bad on your brain and nervous system. I know, in 04 I was up for almost 72 hours before my brain finally just shut down after going through hell for 3 days. It was some of the best 10 hours sleep I had in my life.  :)

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2006, 07:45:04 am »
Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired

Mod SFC3!!! Works for me every single time!

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2006, 08:22:45 am »
i just get wasted :>
i have slight insomnia, i can go sometimes 3 days with no sleep.
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Offline Bartok

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2006, 08:30:27 am »
Greetings -

I battled this for quite a while - particularly in 2002/2003 when stress levels were very high due to work/family health issues.  For the most part I was able to use OTC sleep aids successfully like Unisom.  2 other "natural/herbal" remedies which might help.  Valerian (Valeriana Officialis) the rhizome of this plant is where Valium is derived/synthesized, another that's available is called "Calms Forte" - i can find it usually right next to the pharmaceutical sleep aids in my local Rite Aid - it's a combination of a number of different things, hops, passion flower and a few other natural sedatives/soporifics.

Lastly - and more involved, yet non pharmaceutical is to try Brainwave Entrainment also known as FFR "Frequency Following Response".  The marvelous grey organ between our ears is capable of being "trained" to follow certain harmonic frequencies and u can use these to "wind down" to sleep levels of activity.  There's a freebie piece of software you can get called "Brainwave Generator".  There's a lot of useful info there, but it uses binaural frequencies - two frequencies each played in a different ear (headphones) and a third tone being created inside your head..... pretty neat, I've had great success with this, not just for sleep deprivation but for other purposes as well....  check out:


Offline Father Ted

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2006, 08:36:21 am »
I've had spells where I can't sleep for up to three, and sometimes, four straight days. I find it's usually related to my stress level from work, family, or whatever, but usually it's work related. Usually, I just have to ride it out, because booze, OTC sleeping pills and books don't work for me. Hopefully, you'll find the right solution.

Were you hearing stuff and seeing things? Being up for that long is really bad on your brain and nervous system. I know, in 04 I was up for almost 72 hours before my brain finally just shut down after going through hell for 3 days. It was some of the best 10 hours sleep I had in my life.  :)

I wasn't seeing anything unusual, but I've definitely started hearing things. After I finally quit my last job, and reduced the stress level about 90%, I drove home and slept almost non-stop for 2 days.

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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2006, 10:41:53 am »
I do not mind visions and hearing things, but when it's due to lack of sleep for days it really sucks.  ;)

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2006, 12:57:52 pm »

You'll sleep.
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Offline Nemesis

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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2006, 08:20:47 pm »
Meditation.  I've found that either it puts me to sleep or it gives me much of the effect of sleep when I can't sleep.  I've had "incidents" at work where I was really exhausted due to lack of sleep and meditated during breaks and was very much rejuvenated after each break.  People wondered if I was taking drugs.
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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2006, 06:39:39 pm »
Two words :

  Ny  Quil
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Re: Insomnia if you got it what do you do to get tired
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2006, 04:33:53 pm »
Having sex usually works.

Find someone to have sex with.

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