Nice break down DieHard

- The Mod: I've tinkered with forever, been playing with a Bab5 kinda thing in my head - balancing is impossible... got distracted by my need to play + fiddling with importing ships
- The Map: This is a hard one too, I'd love to see the one you've got based on the standard SFB map tho!
- The Missions: while the warp stuff could be fun, the Evildave missions from SG06 seem nice!
- The VC's: Here's where I suck, VC/Rules go hand in hand and the more complex, the less a server admin actually gets to play (imo) and has to moderate..
-The Rules: see above
-The Hardware: I got this too - at least it's worked before for a server that I kept up for a couple month w/minimum downtime (yeah, it's a laptop

only thing now about hardware is, we've all become (i believe) incredibly addicted to the OCI and i can't offer that
-Time to think about stuff: I have "some"of this, but the complexity that all the above take on spirals you out of control.... and you never get something going....
That being said, when I have put up a server, it's classified as a "fun" server, which to some means not serious - though i don't know what i think about that. I honestly like really long running / steady state servers (a la the Forge) to be up and available to the community. Even when "serious" campaign servers are being run which have the specific goals/vc's involved...
waxing rhapsodic here....
Cheers to All