Herr Burt-
It is certainly not my wish to chase you back into your asbestos-lined panic room; however, as a concerned Coalition member, I do have a couple issues lingering in my mind (I'm sure you've addressed them in your work already, just haven't had cause to mention anything about it

1. Pricing- Kestrels make up the bulk of typical heavy cruiser priced hulls. The majority of the Heavy Hawks, with the notable exceptions of the SuperHawk and the RoyalHawk (based off the price of the SUA rather than the NHK for some reason), are priced in the low end of the BCH price ranges; I am uncertain as to how much of an issue that could really be in practical terms, but it may invite some consideration....
2. It is generally common knowledge that some comparatively "esoteric" variants can be quite popular among players of all sides. If Kestrels are being nixxed as being too limited in deployment, is it safe to assume we should not be seeing limited production vessels for Alliance forces outside of random AI encounters?
I sincerely apologize beforehand if anything combustible should be found in this post...