Topic: Ferret's bar and grill "Last nights event"  (Read 911 times)

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Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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Ferret's bar and grill "Last nights event"
« on: September 07, 2006, 04:41:00 pm »
Sorry guys, this is a cut and paste from my Red Vs Blue Journal.  It's a very tired recollection of last nights events a few houres after my Citizenship ceremony. 
and I thought I could wind down and relax to a couple of cool ones.

September 6, 2006
Not what I need before my transfer

Man, right now I'm in my driveway typing on my laptop to chat.
Here is the situation. I'm taking in my evening resting after finishing celebrating the taking my oath for citizenship when the neighbors knock hard on my door.
The eldest answers and the man says "You need to get out, the far unit is on fire!"
Well Amy gets the boys out and I look over the place grab my comp bag and place it in front of the door and run back into the house. I look for my wife's cats and hunt them down eventually packing them in the kitty carrier then drop them off at the driveway where all of the family is at.
That's when I turn into sailor mode grab a fire extinguisher and run into the unit to see if everyone is out and assess the severity of the fire. I creep low to avoid as much of the smoke and check where the glow is coming from (luckly at this time the smoke is'nt really bad as in the area is not pitch black). What I see is a large pile of clothes in front of a closet. The fire is not huge but big enough which gave me a really bad feeling. I take my extinguisher point low and shoot. The flame is out as is my extinguisher and so is the my lung capcity so, I head out to inform the other neighbor (who is calling me nuts) about what I seen and to get the other extiguisher. I look at the window and seen that the fire reflashed so again I run upstairs to slow the fire down (Amy has been on the line talking wth 911 to see where the engines are at). As feared the fire is up at it again so 'woosh' my extiguisher shoots and the flames die but, the smoke goes up another notch. I run out to get some air and water. My neighbor already as some hoses out shooting water through a window they broke (Thank goodness, probably the reason why the smoke wasn't as bad as it could be) wetting the room and attempting to get to the fire. The maintenance people finally show up and ask me what's going on (WHAT????). I look at him like he's an idot and say "I think it's a fire, grab a hose" so Amy get our hose and passes it to our neighbor as he gives me the nozzle end. I run up and shoot the hell out of the closet as mucha s I can before the smoke overtakes me (Now tha sailor sez 'abandon ship').
Five minutes later the engines started to arrive and I flag them down and then inform them on where the fire is. I help them withtheir hose and they go inside and put the fire out shortly afterward.

Wow, two days before my eventual transfer and I get this.. I was hoping as for a relaxing night whch has been slightly rare so I can collect myslfe but well, the fate have other intentions. Right now my coughs has leesend and Amy is scrutinizing me (Telling me I should have checked in with the EMTs), I'm trying to assure her I'll be fine, I just need time.

I feel really bad for the family, Dad just came back last week from being out on deployment and now this. Good thing that most of their unit is okay aside form smoke but, the kids room with all theri cloths are gone and maybe much, much more. The other neighbors are going to other places for the night since the smoke has creeped into their units. We are lucky sofar but just incase, Amy's dad has kept his house ready for us if the smoke get's to out unit. What a night. I write more in the comments later and I apologize for the grammer and spelling. My adrenaline is just subsiding. 


Offline Brush Wolf

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Re: Ferret's bar and grill "Last nights event"
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 06:02:43 pm »
Congratulation on the citizenship. Slightly crazy on the fire though but a job well done.
I am alright, it is the world that is wrong.

Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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Re: Ferret's bar and grill "Last nights event"
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2006, 01:10:38 am »
Thanks Brush Wolf!  Now since I got my citizenship out of the way, I'll be working on my LDO package pretty soon as well as my stuff for Chief.
  This day actually is considered a breather for me,  Alien and aI have been helping the neighbors move out of their units.
The source of the fire is undetermined and luckily for the family only a couple of rroms have been wrecked.  For the most part, the damage was from either smoke or water so most of their possessions were saved.
 Unfotunately the other neighbors in the two additional units are moving out because the smoke damage was really intensive.  Alien and I are fortunate that we only had minimal smke in our place and it wasn't a bother at all (The smoke was mainly form us opening and closing the front door, no smoke got into our ventilation).  So, I'm counting my blessings since I leave for school and eventaually Diego Garcia for a year.