Topic: Rom Battlecruiser  (Read 4478 times)

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Offline Rod ONeal

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Rom Battlecruiser
« on: September 10, 2006, 08:41:01 pm »
Romulan Firehawk (TMP refit) I hope that you all like it. 8)
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Offline Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2006, 08:50:41 pm »
 ;D I was the second person to d/l this Rod.

Nice work!

More please. BTW: Where are those pirate DN and Starbase WIPs of yours???

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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2006, 08:55:36 pm »
Thanks, KF. If you mean the stock pdn retexture that I sent you, I forgot all about that and never uploaded it.  ::)  As far as the base goes, I haven't forgotten, but it'll be a while yet. Sorry. All of these are models that I've basically got done and just needed brk.mods or something to get out.
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Offline Rhaz

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2006, 09:19:08 pm »
A differnet spin on the TMP Roms - I like it!  You can definately tell it evolved from the Condor.



Offline J. Carney

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2006, 11:47:28 pm »
WOW... That is the most interesting take on the Firehawk that I have EVER seen!

Any plans to do the rest of the modular Roms?
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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2006, 04:41:50 am »
WoW what a ship i love it


Offline Dizzy

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2006, 08:11:26 am »
I cant say Im in love with the overall shape, I prefer a more SFB flowing curvy rom appearance and the secondary hull looks too flat and klingish, but the rest of it, the color, the detail, the lines, the rest of the shape are just awesome... I really like it. Nice nice work.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2006, 11:52:08 am »
WOW... That is the most interesting take on the Firehawk that I have EVER seen!

Any plans to do the rest of the modular Roms?

I wasn't going to release this until I at least had the Royalhawk done, as well. Also want to do the Sparrowhawk on a similar design, scaled down. I have an idea for the skyhawk, too.
The thought crossed my mind to do the Demonhawk, but I can't be that fanboyish.  ;D

I cant say Im in love with the overall shape, I prefer a more SFB flowing curvy rom appearance and the secondary hull looks too flat and klingish, but the rest of it, the color, the detail, the lines, the rest of the shape are just awesome... I really like it. Nice nice work.

Seems like it's a bit lucky that you like this one at all (...and did you say that you like the color? ). To me, one of the changes from TOS to TMP is a more angular, less flowing design. Also, being modular, seems would make them less flowing, being assembled from pieces "fitted" together (the modules and engines were actually designed for the smaller sparrowhawk.
The similarity with a Klingon design is on purpose. Seeing as how they designed the modular ships uncorporating what they'd learned from flying those D hulls around for all those years.

very strange design has the old SFB look to it and hints at other styles that scream TMP rommie great work if you keep this up either me or Mp will ask you to join OutaLance :P

Outa who?  ;D j/k Thanks, FW, and everyone else.
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Offline Terradyhne

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2006, 01:11:09 pm »
i never thaught that this design could look good but this is awesome work  :o :o :)

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2006, 02:47:45 pm »

The similarity with a Klingon design is on purpose.

Thats what I dont like. You see, till the tech exchange, the rom designs kinda sucked. Then the new K hull series they used produced some quite well armed and capable ships. But then the roms went to work on the heavy cruiser hawk designs, the nova, fire and royals. Those designs were all rom and were totally different from the K hulls. They were also much much better and more capable as well. So to see them with any resemblance at all is dissapointing. The Hawk HC hulls were all original rom designs that bore no similarities nor used any design influences from the Klinks.

And yes, the textures grew on me like a fungus. I love them. Well done. I just dont like the blended rom and klingon design. I'm almost tempted to use it... But overall, its very nice. Im impressed.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2006, 03:55:34 pm »
The Hawk HC hulls were all original rom designs that bore no similarities nor used any design influences from the Klinks.

Just so everyone knows, Dizzy's my friend and I'm in no way perturbed or upset by his oppinion. (Just in case anyone cares. lol)

With that said, Reread the Rom R section because this is just wrong. :P
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2006, 04:27:12 pm »
The Hawk HC hulls were all original rom designs that bore no similarities nor used any design influences from the Klinks.

Just so everyone knows, Dizzy's my friend and I'm in no way perturbed or upset by his oppinion. (Just in case anyone cares. lol)

With that said, Reread the Rom R section because this is just wrong. :P

Ok, hehe, take this!

Romulan Fleet
    Generally, the Romulan starships are divided into three Generations.

    The early Eagle series ships were the original sublight warships of the Empire. Most were built around the massive plasma torpedo, and had little else. With the Treaty of Smarba, warp techlogy, transporters, phasers and tractors were added, making them more dangerous, but still not as capable as other ships their size in the galaxy.

    The Kestrel or KR ships were Klingon hulls modified to Romulan technology. While as powerful as any ship in the galaxy, ton for ton, they were reliant on the Klingons for the hulls themselves. In addition, the ships were not built for using cloaking, making them less efficient to use. (A note: In the Star Fleet Universe, the Klingons did not buy or use cloaking technology. It did not match their weapons technology or combat philosophy.)

    Rather than build their own KR hulls, the Romulans used their experience to build their own new designs. The Hawk series were Romulan from the keel up and built to use their technology to the top degree. A few things of note were that all cruisers, light cruisers and destroyers used the same warp engines, in addition to other components, easing production. In addition, the light cruisers and destoyers were build with large modular structures, and thus could be reconfigured for different missions within days. The heavy cruisers used some of the same modules, but due to stresses, changing them out was a much more difficult propostion (many weeks as compared to days).

Ok, did you see the part where it says, "The Hawk series were Romulan from the keel up":P

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2006, 04:35:20 pm »
Let's see... Hmmm, didn't have to look too far. The 1st ship listed in Advanced Missions: Condor dreadnought.

"The Condor-class represents the largest of the 3rd generation Romulan ships. Klingon technology and design influence is obvious."
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2006, 04:48:14 pm »
Ya, but that's a condor DN. Not a Hawk hull, and that is commentary from an observer. My reference includes those from SFB modules, Rulebook and section R4.

Whatever, we can argue this point over and over. Yours is an excellent design, looks similar to the SFB hawk illustrations, but resembles too closely the aft hull of the K series for my personal tastes. When I think Romulan design, not kestrel hull, I think of a bird. Like the Fasa Winged Defender or Whitewind cruisers. I also think of the flowing blended aesthetical beauty of the sfb hawk illustrations... Either or.

Your path for this model is unique. And it's likeable. I like it. You cant ask for more when modeling something new. You'll always have those that pick and peck.

That being said, I'm not in love with this design concept. It's reminds me of a girfriend I'd f*ck, but not date exclusively.  ;)  If you were willing to pimp your services, sure, I'd ask for a different secondary hull... But hey, there's nothing wrong with yours. You have a unique look and the texture package you put together makes it (EDIT for Italics) top notch. You could do up a fleet of these and I'm sure they'd sell. I might even buy one... or two.

EDIT2: The more I look at this model the more I like it. Those make dangerous girlfriends, ya know...

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2006, 06:00:24 pm »
Nope, that statement is out of the R4 ship description for the Condor, which like the Firehawk, Sparrowhawk, etc. is a 3rd generation Romulan design. Advanced Missions is an SFB module. It's not commentary from an observer.

P.S. I don't "Pimp" my services, but I do take requests.  ;)
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2006, 06:22:38 pm »
I cant request you to change the aft hull. The more I look at it the more it seems ok. But you're wrong on the Hawk hulls.  ;) They are 100% rom from the ground up and they did not take any cues from the klinks. I have a friend who does starship collision repair and he knows so...  :P

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2006, 06:29:36 pm »
Seems bulky from the front, but has beautiful lines from the side.
Nice work!!
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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2006, 04:13:28 pm »
I have to say I am no lover of SFB designs Rod but I'll tell you this much, that is AMAZING and far too long in coming. Keep it up. Any SFB purist would be proud to have this Rom as well as your gorns in game  ;)

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2006, 06:24:08 pm »
Ok, I lied. I will request a change.  ;D

I think... it would look even more distinct and 'romulan' would the middle edge of the aft hull wings begin to curve downward a bit where the warp engine aft hull connection is and slope enough to be level with the top of the lower warps. That curve... Romulans just look better with curves, would do what I think it needs for me to say it'd be perfect. I dont know, mb you'd give it a try and see how you like it?

I'm gonna do a tad of photoshop to illustrate my idea in a few.

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Re: Rom Battlecruiser
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2006, 07:44:38 pm »
Ok, how about this? I bent the wings too much at one spot. More of a gentle curve would be better imo, but you get the idea.