Highly incorrect. That would mean that the exemption would only ever apply in a 1v1 of line ships. It guts the whole premise.
It means if 3 guys jumo you in a fleet actions while flying by yourself you can come right back with a fleet
I'm not sure you are agreeing with me or disagreeing with me but thanks for entering the conversation.
Here's the premises I am laboring under:
1. We'd like to see people in line ships and some people would prefer to fly them.
2. We'd like to give them some encouragement to fly line ships despite these ships' seeming deficits.
3. We'd like to make flying a line ship a valuable strategic and tactical alternative.
4. We'd like to have a system wherein new players can muck about on a server.
5. We'd like to be able to level the playing field on some occasions.
I think my proposal begins to address these issues. The problem with chucking the rules I have laid out when any line ship fleets with any other ship is:
1. It kills any inducement to flying them as to receive the benefit you basically have to fly alone. The benefit so easily stripped is no benefit at all.
2. It kills the strategic and tactical uses of line ships that I have outlined elsewhere.
3. It actually creates a situation in which the new player's benefit of flying a line ship is immediately rescinded if he'd like to fly with someone else, which is always a good thing for a new player to do.
4. It kills the idea of levelling the playing field. If 3 BBs jump 3 line ships under my rule set, they would be exempt from the disengagement rule/hex ban. Under Tool's idea, they would be subject to disengagment rule/hex ban. An extreme example, but you get the idea. The rule system I have set up would make players have to get into line ships to kick other players in line ships out of a hex. It levels the playing field.
This is how it guts the premise as my goal is to give line ship flyers a benefit that is persistent and can only be countered by other players entering line ships. It's a beautiful system. It actually encourages folks to fly in relatively evenly matched ships instead of seeking the easy answer.