There seems to be no consensus on how far away the PD fires. But it is safe to say that a phaser 1 will do on average 5 damage when on PD.
(Is the damage range rounded up or down? Table indicated average damage of 6.5 at range 0 and 5.3 at range 1, so what is the average at ranges 0.9 and 0.5?)
So the setup up between a Fed National Guard Cruiser and an Eagle. The Eagle fires R torp at range 10 and will 50 damage regardless, while saving four type 1 phasers until the fed loses the front shield. At what range should the GCA use it's TWO overloaded torps and 6 phasers?
Scenario 1Fire 6 phasers at the plasma. 50 damage - (5 damage* 6)/4 - 30 shield points = 12.5 damage. Not counting shield reinforcement. A pseudo torp will mess up this tactic.
Now the GCA can do 32 points of damage and the Eagle 26 (6.5*4) at range 0. Assuming that a photon was not lost or stunned. Total: Eagle takes 8 internals and the GCA 38.5.
Scenario 2Keep the 6 phasers at bay. 50 damage - 30 shield points = 20 internals. Maybe a pseudo was used, but that makes no difference with PD off.
Now the GCA can do 32 + 30 points of damage and the Eagle 26 at range 0. Total: Eagle takes 38 internals at best and the GCA 44.
Of course I am going to start a thread on the DAC table soon.
The GCA should save its phasers, unless I am missing something. Of course some would say that I am a bad

for closing with a Romulan head on.