Have you ever thought about "Getting The Band Back Together" and doing it again?
Oh Lord no. OK, let me rephrase that. I get the urge to do some pet project or other all the time. Lately I've been thinking it would be neat to take Source and turn it into some kind of space combat thing... maybe even a BSG thing. But after 8 or 10 hours a day of coding a game, the last thing I want to do when I get home is code some other game. I have all kinds of goodies at home I can work with, up to and including console dev kits; I just lack the will.
About the other stuff... don't feel bad for me. I was at Shiny within a couple/three weeks of Taldren's demise and making twice as much to boot. So while Taldren technically got away with 10 or 11 K that belonged to me, it can also blow me.
On SFC3, yeah, if you didn't like the design Crim you can blame me and Josh :-) Of course if we'd had a full team to work on the thing full time instead of a token crew at the end... ah, who knows where it might have gone? We had some mighty fine plans.
A get-together sounds like it could be fun. Also sounds like a logistical nightmare though... have you folks done this before?
I've tried, god knows I've tried.
The first time, I had one of the script writters John something fly out, and had one guy from Shawnee show up (Icehawk).
The next time was a few years later, and I had alot of the mods show up. Frey, StormBringer, and Sethan, complete with families, and snakebite kits, on my birthday a few years back.
I know alot of the East coasters have met each other at various bars , where I suspect, J'inn owns.
Too be honest, on the logistics, I have always sugested, Let's do a four part approach. East coast, Central, West Coast, and Canada. (Hey can't forget our Canadian friends up there.)
As far as the game, wasn't there a game suggested by your Fellow Taldrenites, that Involved France surrendering? Something about Cheese, and Magic Photons?
