OK, went with the self-extracting installer before the size of this thing starts to grow, here's the new link:
think I've updated all my links in this thread to also point to it...
This ups the speed you accelerate to, updates some briefings, closes a couple of loopholes (not all of them) and adds two new missions, just to screw around with using the warp in combat. They handle 3v3 drafting, though they're probably more appropriate for single-player.
The new scripts are Met_EDWarpRaider.scr and Met_EDWarpADaysWork.scr, and they're the two sides of the following scenario:
- 4 convoy ships, 3 defense platforms, and 3 friendly ships are scattered randomly across the map.
- 3 enemy empire ships are randomly placed on the map.
- 2 pirate ships, and a pirate base are randomly placed on the map.
Because of the size of the map, ships typically spawn more than 500 apart, and frequently you're at distance 600-800 from the nearest enemy.
The convoy ships have preset headings and a speed of 10-12, and won't deviate from that. AI ships that are hostile to one another will magically start heading for one another, although because the AI doesn't warp it will often take them a LONG time to find one another.
As the defender your problem is to find the 5 hostile ships and the pirate base and nuke them all. The problem you're often faced with is which enemy to chase down while leaving the rest of the convoy/bases vulnerable to the other hostiles.
(Use the nearest enemy key, warp away, and odds are by the time you've killed the first one or two some of the others will have made contact with your allies, so you'll know where they are.)
As the attacker your problem is to find the 4 convoy ships, the 3 defense satellites, and the 3 defenders and nuke them all. Same ideas apply.
There are undoubtedly some glitches and hiccups, but I wanted to experiment with a mission where the warp is actually useful/appropriate

So far, this usually seems to take 30-60 minutes to play out (though that
was playing rom vs gorn, so will probably go a bit quicker with other race combinations).