WRONG. What happens is when you seriously wound an enemy, they simply warp. If you did that in the middle of the map w/o warp they'd be dead. 50% is utter bullsh*t and wont be on my servers. Logically how do you think you'd disengage by acceleration when you only have half power? Thats fricking dumb. Really dumb.
Whats happens now? When you seriously wound your opponent, they make a decision to run or fight on. Yes, with the current mission maps they do have to fly off the map giving you the opportunity to kill them on the way out. I'm not suggesting an immediate warp disengagement thing where your opponent could just warp out at the first sign of trouble. There should be a procedure that should take a few turns (see my first post), or make so they have to be within a certain distance from the map edge to even disengage.
Players who severely wound their opponents should be given an opportunity to finish the job. With a speed 30 rule (which would work for most dizzy or plasma ballets tactics) you have almost guaranteed that they will not be able to get away once severely wounded.
You misquoted the rule. It's wasting someone time by just running around the map with no intention of engaging or fighting.
From your earlier post, you said that it would allow a player to just fly around and regain warp power JUST TO THEN warp disengage. That does not sounds like "intention of engaging or fighting". That's what I was replying to.
By warping a bit here and there you gain some extra time, shield reinforcement and free engine repair. Doing that with intention of reengagement is perfectly within in the rules. What it creates is a tactic of delayment while you repair playing cat and mouse as your opponent vainly tries to warp chase you. It's cheap and stupid and having it available to half damaged ships is ludicrous. Consider this like a battle time-out period while a crew works over your ship. That's exactly what it is.
First off, I am opposed to being able to use warp for anything other than entering or disengaging combat. I would not like to see it as a tactic used during engaged combat. Second, players do this repair tactic now. They try to create some distance so they can repair. Most fly close to the border so if under heavy pursuit, they can fly off. Lastly, the way I think about it, our ships main purpose is to use warp to get them to and from the front. It seems logical that they would need only 50% of their engines to do so, IMHO. Hell, even SFB canon agrees with me on this. I don't know if I've ever had that before.
You know that nothing pisses off a PvP attitude player than someone turning around at the border and taco belling. If you give players the option to stick around, they will. Hence, you have more time to try and kill them.
You have lost your marbles. The 'Hence you have more time to kill them' statement is absurd. Its not a matter of TIME you have to kill them anymore, it's being able to now play the 50% game... This creates a new dynamic... You have to make sure you can knock your opponent down to less than 50% in order to make a kill now.
Very possible I've lost my marbles

, BUT it seems to me that this dynamic is in play now. At least with the 50% criteria in place they can't just fly off the map at 20% like now. In Dave's mission maps, once you have them at less than 50% (and no ability to repair) they could only disengage by trying to run off his new huge map. I don't see that being successful very often.
As for what missions and their criteria you use on a server you admin, I am always fully supportive of you picking what you want. As a player only, my vote is cast by my decision to spend or not spend any time flying on the server. I'm just voicing my opinion now, so that I would not be a surprise.
Then again, we are still just batting the idea around before it's really ever been put into play.