Devious Bastard Points for Chuut and CaptJosh 
I'll put together another version soonly where it's simply a disengage button.
As for a warp-in-combat version, I'll see what I can do about turning off potential weaponry/arming exploits, but the issues Chuut raises makes it look kinda shaky except as a novelty/specialty feature. Keep it comin' though - I'm happy to code it up however you folks see fit!
Having a disengage button is a nice addition, I do worry about potential exploits if warping is allowed in combat. Warp speed death drags, warp speeding to jump on top of someone then dumping your ready to fire fighters at point blank range, allowing a ship moving faster than a distant ship to instantly close and stay on top of the enemy that normally would not have allowed this but with no warning time is now susceptible to the tactic, using warp to escape from a well laid pattern od converging drones or converging fighters/pfs on a border or against an obstacle, warping in to drop a Nuke Space mine, warping while cloaked, tracoring slower fighters/pfs and warping them into range, warping with that big asteroid in a tractor, maulers warping in to get a shot, etc.
I can already tell you a potential exploit. A weapon is automatically onlined when it gets repaired. If you have a damaged torpedo launcher, and you finish repairing it while at condition green, it starts loading, and no loss of condition green status.
I am thinking that in SFCOP that the sole purpose of the warp feature for all races except Andros is to end the mission just like crossing the red-line "engages warp drive" to end the mission. SFC stance is that all combat is done at sub-light speed so they conviently use the warp feature to end the mission. Similar paradigm is used in Star Wars universe and SFC3 games.
Tac. Warp is a feature that is reserved by for SFC3 game and you can make an argument that it's a suitable replacement for the Andro. DisDev.
I've seen different warp scales used in the Star Trek universe. I think think the canon one used in the Star Trek films is that actual ship speed in the "speed-of-light" multiplier = (warp factor)^(10/3) for warp factors 1 thru 9. From warp 9 thru 10 an asymtotic curve is used.
Warp Factor x c Velocity Equation
Warp 1 1 c 3.0x105 km/s w10 / 3
Warp 2 10.079 c 3.0x106 km/s w10 / 3
Warp 3 38.941 c 1.2x107 km/s w10 / 3
Warp 4 101.59 c 3.0x107 km/s w10 / 3
Warp 5 213.75 c 6.4x107 km/s w10 / 3
Warp 6 392.50 c 1.2x108 km/s w10 / 3
Warp 7 656.13 c 2.0x108 km/s w10 / 3
Warp 8 1,024 c 3.1x108 km/s w10 / 3
Warp 9 1,516.4 c 4.5x108 km/s w10 / 3
Warp 9.2 1,649 c 4.9x108 km/s w3.338
Warp 9.6 1,909 c 5.7x108 km/s w3.34
Warp 9.9 3,053 c 9.2x108 km/s w3.5
Warp 9.9753 6,000 c 1.8x109 km/s w3.7822
Warp 9.99 7,912 c 2.3x109 km/s w3.9
Warp 9.9999 199,516 c 6.0x1010 km/s w5.3
Warp 10.37431 2,962,541 c 8.9x1011 km/s w6.370004
where c = 3 x 10^8 m/s.
Warp factor 10 was regarded as impossible to reach in the warp domain and you could only approach this limit asymptotically. The Borg developed trans-warp in order to break through the warp factor 10 barrier.
So, in the game for the non-Andro races you could use the tac. warp to end the mission and you can have the mission scripts end the mission when the tac. warp toggle is hit by virtue of not allowing the player to exit warp drive within the confines of the mission map. This would eliminate any tac. warp exploit concerns because the mission would auto-end when tac. warp is enabled the first time and the ship exits the map; and, there would be no possibility for the non-Andro race ship to exit warp once engaged.
In this manner, we can use the huge maps to eliminate the border crowding problems in PvP but not allow tac. warp feature to be used in the SFCOP universe when it is part of the SFC3 universe expect for SFB documented exceptions like the Andro DisDev.