AOTK??? Does anyone seriously want to go down that road again?
Not, repeat, NOT that I am going to "go down that road again" for SS3, but I wonder what makes tinkering with the list now (especially with all the massive cheese that's been added lately), different then before?
Myself, SkullnBones, Dogmatix, Kzinbane, Max Power, Drall, Renegade, Pharoah, Fluf, S'cipio (I believe) couldn't do the job right before, but now it's all going to come together seamlessly right? LOL
Back then, we didn't have DNL's, DVL's, CF's, HDWM's, COV's, CVP's, and we all seemed to have a hell of a time (obviously, we're still here).
A happy medium is what I want. Get rid of the glaring problems and make simple rules for the rest....