Hilton arrested for drunk driving 1 hour, 17 minutes ago
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Celebrity Paris Hilton was arrested in Hollywood early on Thursday on suspicion of drunk driving, Los Angeles police said.
Police pulled the hotel heiress over and tested her for intoxication after seeing her drive erratically, Los Angeles police officer Robert Andreno told Reuters.
"She was arrested so, yes, she failed the sobriety test," Andreno said.
Los Angeles police spokeswoman Marjan Mobasser said Hilton was stopped by traffic officers in the Hollywood area at about 1:20 a.m.
The 25-year-old heiress to the Hilton hotel and real estate dynasty has achieved celebrity through saturation media coverage of her hard-partying lifestyle and a growing number of television appearances.
She is best known for her hit reality show "The Simple Life" and for a sex video that showed up on the Internet.
Earlier this year a judge ordered Hilton to stay away from a Los Angeles party planner who accused her of bombarding him with angry phone calls, shoving him and threatening his life.
Chalk another one up. Bet she gets a slap on the hand. Or maybe she will use the "I'm too pretty to go to jail" routine?