Aye, Hexx, but the DNL's won't be able to stick around in a fire fight for as long now...
3 CC/CA's will now have a MUCH better chance vs the DNL, 2 CF's fleet....
but you can say a 5% chance is much better than a 1% chance..
The problem (entirely as I see it) is the ability to combine CFs & DNL's ability to operate at around spd 30 in early
The DNL's huge advantage has alwyas been it's excellent power curve combined with a (near) DN weapons load
which is why they were (almost always) chosen above DN's.
Nothing has changed.
As I said though- if this is combined with the fleeting rules, then yes, for the specialties at least it has changed
and for the better (imo)
If the fleeting rules are used (I'm really hoping they are) then the DNL's powercurve will be somehwat restricted as it operates with CC's instead of CF',s it will have to fly slower (or simply use the CC's to phaserboat) which may result in the fights turning into more of slugging matches, where tha abilty to carry 10-15 extra spares on a regular DN may become very appealing
EDIT:Actually me restate that -the more I think about it the more I think this is a great idea (if used in conjunction wtih new fleeting rules)
The DNL will still (likely) dominate in solo fights, but the fleet engagements will (I'd think) favour the DN with more spares.