Ahahahaha! So you're the one who woke me up!!! Calling me in the middle of the day when I'm sleeping!!! What's the matter with you? Can't a guy get a good day's sleep anymore without being bothered???I JUST woke it up. And Steve Irwin is dead... Animals across the world are saddened. Sniff... Sleeping during the day isn't something I often do, but I overslept this one 4 sur.
My inbox is full and has been for a few days. Apparently, there are a cpl peeps I'm not planning on calling back, you're not included here, hehe. I'll call tomorrow, Steven, my sorries, I was tired.
SOOOOO>.... you're planning on the weekend warrior, huh? Well now... We have something to discuss, now, don't we? You talk about wussies, well weekend warriors are certainly... I know how to graduate from that lame status. All you have to do is sell all your cars and trucks and rely on your bike to go everywhere. Tried steering when you have a gallon of milk hanging off the left handlebar and a bag of bread off the other? Grrrr...
So this it? The women kinda make the bike better...

This is what u really need, not some ole cruiser. If you can look that tough on this bike, you can look tough on anything... including your motor scooter. I'll Call ya later.