As long as its not a critical hex or one with a base/planet or the surrounding hex I like it
Either that or is simply becomes a question of who has the numbers online
Uhmm it already is a question of numbers..did you not partake in any of the Alliance drives on SGO6?
I believe the only times we stopped you was when we had the numbers...
and actually... that was sort of the whole idea (the base or critical hex part)
Yes it would let you steamroll a planet, it will also let your opponent steamroll the same planet if they have the numbers later on.
I like the disengagement rule, but was just thinking of one of Chuut's oft repeated comments about the "Epic" battles that used to take place around certain target hexes.
I figure if maybe you have to declare this a day (or whatver) in advance it might recreate some of the same atmosphere