Topic: Trek re-mastered getting re-mastered again  (Read 2118 times)

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Offline Rat Boy

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Trek re-mastered getting re-mastered again
« on: October 18, 2006, 04:01:49 pm »

The highlights:

Things have settled down a bit for the team now that they have done a few episodes, but the biggest change is that they have a brand new digital model of the Enterprise. This week a new model with less of the render hungry (but invisible) detail is being delivered to the Trek Remastered team. Rossi says the new ship will be cut down the render time dramatically and free up time to ‘do some of those cool things’ that they have wanted to do. "We will have time time to test lighting, coloring, and yes…those nacelle caps," says Rossi, "it is going to totally change the process, we are very excited about it." The team is so up on their new model that they hope to go back to some previously done shots and redo them. It is a welcome sign that the team is willing to make these improvements going forward (and backward). Many of those early shots get re-used throughout the series (an example would be the plastic-looking ‘left turn shot‘ seen last week in ‘I,Mudd’, which is a reuse of one of the first shots the team made for ‘Miri’). Due to the lead time in putting together an episode, the ‘new’ Enterprise won’t be making its debut until November.

Not only is the Enterprise getting a new look, it is also going to continue to show off new moves that were impossible to do with a physical model. "In the original series you only see it in 17 poses, we are going to give you 50 or 60," says Rossi. In addition to the Enterprise the team is also working on a number of new ships. Just last week they started working on the Khan’s Botany Bay for ‘Space Seed’ and according to Rossi it is going to get spruced up, or more accurately spruced down.” It is going to look like it has been in space all those years, it is going to be pitted and have scarring on it," says Rossi. Beyond that the team are also going to start creating some ship models for brand new ships, for example a new Gorn ship for ‘Arena’, an Orion ship for ‘Journey to Babel’ and a new freighter for ‘the Ultimate Computer’. The team feels that they should not be constrained to the same limits as the original effects team that often ran out of time and money. "Our job is to do ships, so why not give people ships," says Rossi enthusiastically.

We are all very passionate about it and want to do everything we can, it is just a matter of having the time to do it," explains Rossi. This weekend keep your eyes on the Gorn in ‘Arena’ for another one of these touches.

Yay on the first two, but a severe boo to the third.  No ENT Gorn!

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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Trek re-mastered getting re-mastered again
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2006, 06:54:08 pm »
I think they're talking about the Gorn ship, not the Gorn captain (I'd be suprised if they did that when they didn't do the Horta, even if the Horta looks better than the Gorn). 

I think the Orion ship interests me the most, since they did have that blob of light for an Orion ship previously.  I wonder what the ship will look like (Enterprise had two different Orion ships, so I wonder if they'll reference those at all).  I don't think I'd be upset with whatever they come up with, its just something of interest.  Likewise, I want to see what they come up with for a Klingon ship from Friday's Child.
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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Trek re-mastered getting re-mastered again
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2006, 07:05:11 pm »
OK, I re-read it.  I'm guessing they'll do little changes to the Gorn, such as a moving tongue when it talks (something they did in Enterprise).  It seems to suggest changes to the eyes, but that seems like it would take a lot of work.  So unless its some kind of secondary eyelid to protect against the sun that goes up, I don't think they'll remove the bug-eye effect.
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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Trek re-mastered getting re-mastered again
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2006, 11:36:29 pm »
Here's the promo.  I didn't notice anything different about the Gorn.
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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Trek re-mastered getting re-mastered again
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2006, 12:17:01 am »
I noticed that the Gorn captain blinked...once...

Was anyone else dissapointed by the Gorn couldn't actually see anything...they might as well have left it as a bliip of light...
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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Trek re-mastered getting re-mastered again
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2006, 10:54:36 pm »
At Trekbbs, the blink count is 4 times, fwiw ;D

I definitely wish we could have seen a Gorn ship clearer.  They were better off not showing it, imo :)
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