Topic: Anyone left in the comunity who can code in C++ or Visual C (Not sure which)  (Read 4801 times)

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Offline GFL Offkey

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I can get hold of Karnak if you wish. Now however can you make the same program for SFC3.

Offline Chris Jones

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This is beautiful! lol

In the EAW Shipedit - there were descriptions of what each item does when clicked on - in the OP version that is missing,
Any chance to implement that?

 - Chris
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 12:42:39 pm by Chris Jones »
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

Celebrating Life!
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Heavens Eagle

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Something that is ongoing.  The OP version was more like an alpha release that worked with some of the older EAW registry entries.  The thing is we are working on it a little at a time.  Work and family are Remus main focus for now and I am (recently as of the last couple weeks) looking to go through relocating to the Memphis area.   We are still in touch and working on it but time comes in small parts.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Well, I didn't see anyone else post this. So, incase you don't know about it there's arcs called SFBL and SFBR which are the 60deg. arcs directly to the left and right . Dave added them while he was working on the cloak.
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