Topic: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers  (Read 2097 times)

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Offline ShadowLord

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General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« on: August 28, 2006, 01:33:40 pm »
Ok lets start this off --

1) Limited version of Black hole hexes in future servers...why? (THE ones with no death or disengagement rule)

Because the old players base -- call them the veterans get in heated battles where we need to win, so they tend to fly with other pilots who are veterans and who they know can support their actions.
By allowing a LIMITED number of black hole hexes where there wont be a death penalty or disengagement rule.. many old time pilots will be willing to take a new kid under there wing - fly whatever combination of ships they need to and fight out some interesting 2v2 3v3 games vs older pilots or if were lucky against another team with one old time and one new pilot each. With these in place we could use them during slow times before things heat up,

The concept is very sound to allow for the newer players to be brought on board as veteran wings and will actually allow them some true combat exp with skilled pilots in a no pressure environment.

Offline Alphageek

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2006, 03:24:47 pm »
I like Shadow Lord's idea.  I'm a much better wing than a solo PvP pilot.

Ever since Econ Wars I've thought that having the chance of glassing your "allies" made things a lot more fun. 

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2006, 03:53:28 pm »
Some "non-artifical" encouraging of more pilot flying solo would be nice.   I miss 1v1 fights.

Perhaps spreading out VCs might accomplish this.  Easier missions than SGO6 would be needed as those were to tough on the less experienced players.
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Offline Riskyllama

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2006, 05:15:13 pm »
I like Shadow Lord's idea.  I'm a much better wing than a solo PvP pilot.

Ever since Econ Wars I've thought that having the chance of glassing your "allies" made things a lot more fun. 

unfortunately fighters and ESGs make things painful unintentionally
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Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2006, 05:24:55 pm »
Ok lets start this off --

1) Limited version of Black hole hexes in future servers...why? (THE ones with no death or disengagement rule)

Because the old players base -- call them the veterans get in heated battles where we need to win, so they tend to fly with other pilots who are veterans and who they know can support their actions.
By allowing a LIMITED number of black hole hexes where there wont be a death penalty or disengagement rule.. many old time pilots will be willing to take a new kid under there wing - fly whatever combination of ships they need to and fight out some interesting 2v2 3v3 games vs older pilots or if were lucky against another team with one old time and one new pilot each. With these in place we could use them during slow times before things heat up,

The concept is very sound to allow for the newer players to be brought on board as veteran wings and will actually allow them some true combat exp with skilled pilots in a no pressure environment.

Firstly, NO way jose !  Limited number of black holes is fine, but I believe Bonk has developed a 'chance of breakdown/ random ship placement' system for the forge black holes thats sounds sweet. I have nightmares of DH (in his BB, and Duck in a droner) using the black hole system to warp around the map killing noobs in line ships. NO THANKS !!!   ;D

But seriously, SGO6 was near perfect, but I'd like to see a smaller map, a longer runtime, MUCH less cheese and specialty ships, and the forementioned black hole system with a few (really aggressive) pirate raiders thrown in (with some booty to cap).

I love the 'pit', but up the dv a bit (to like 8 or so).
perhaps some 'capturable' monsters
keep the disengagment rules from SGO6

Maybe if you could limit the expensive ships like the BB's (it takes years to build them, so if you lose one- it's pretty much gone forever). And maybe awarding VP's for important battles- giving a VP to someone who killed a FF is stupid.

Well you asked for some ideas, here's mine.
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2006, 08:58:03 pm »
Ok lets start this off --

1) Limited version of Black hole hexes in future servers...why? (THE ones with no death or disengagement rule)

Because the old players base -- call them the veterans get in heated battles where we need to win, so they tend to fly with other pilots who are veterans and who they know can support their actions.
By allowing a LIMITED number of black hole hexes where there wont be a death penalty or disengagement rule.. many old time pilots will be willing to take a new kid under there wing - fly whatever combination of ships they need to and fight out some interesting 2v2 3v3 games vs older pilots or if were lucky against another team with one old time and one new pilot each. With these in place we could use them during slow times before things heat up,

The concept is very sound to allow for the newer players to be brought on board as veteran wings and will actually allow them some true combat exp with skilled pilots in a no pressure environment.

I like this idea...a lot... ;D
Lord Krueg
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 09:03:36 pm »

Maybe if you could limit the expensive ships like the BB's (it takes years to build them, so if you lose one- it's pretty much gone forever). And maybe awarding VP's for important battles- giving a VP to someone who killed a FF is stupid.

Agreed, IMHO only Metal and Specialty ships CL and above should count for any VP Points
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Offline Hexx

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2006, 09:11:54 pm »
I'd agree that any server that permits BB's should have a rule saying once a side has lost one, they have no more.
Using any kind of metal or fleeting rule we've yet seen you can only have one on at a time anyway, so it would hardly be imbalancing to only have one side with one. (And I'd apply that to servers that only have the B10 as well, once one has been lost no more can be built)

As for the black hole idea, I like it-but it wouldn't work. There isn't a huge amount of "slow time" on teh servers, and we seem to get the most people on when things are heating up- so you're new pilots and older ones wouldn't see as much time together as you'd like. (imho)

What would work (as mentioned) is far more VP map hexes. Dozens as opposed to hte handful we play with now.
This would spread the player base out, you could keep your elite pilots fighting over 2-3 close hexes or spread them out to cover more.
What it also does unfortunately is put a ton of work on teh admins, ratehr than looking at 3-4 hexes to figure out a winner you'd have to count dozens, if not hundreds.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2006, 09:27:46 pm »

What would work (as mentioned) is far more VP map hexes. Dozens as opposed to hte handful we play with now.
This would spread the player base out, you could keep your elite pilots fighting over 2-3 close hexes or spread them out to cover more.
What it also does unfortunately is put a ton of work on teh admins, ratehr than looking at 3-4 hexes to figure out a winner you'd have to count dozens, if not hundreds.

Agreed, this seems to be the best non-artificial was to see 1v1 fights again.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2006, 10:01:11 pm »
I like the black hole idea and the spreading out of VCs, both these might be helpful to newer ppilots.  Another thing to consider might be a starting bonus for newer players where they would essentially get a "free" ship or two so as to avoid being put in a situation where they can't buy a good ship right off the bat.  Perhaps even giving them a special starting ship with a lower starting BPV say 20% lower to help them get a hang of the race they are trying before they upgraded to full BPV ships as the server and technology progressed.

Offline Dfly

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Re: General Server ideas -- for any and all servers
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2006, 10:43:08 pm »
My only problem with the mention that only Metal and Special ships of CL and bigger being worth anything is that you will only ever see the most experienced in them as they are the only ships worth points.  We have had that problem on other servers and would have it again.  Perhaps suggest that all Heavy Cruisers, Metal, and specialty ships be worth something.  I also thought the idea of a .5 being worth nothing when not with a wing a good thing, and being worth 1 when with a wing a good thing.  This could be incorporated into the heavy and up as well.  We could say all .67 and smaller are worth nothing when alone, but worth 1 when winged.

Liked the idea of the mosh pit, if only for the 10 point bonus.  I did not see too many go there for the PvP except for the center planet. 

I agree that race BB should be treated as Specialty ships and when destroyed, cannot be brought back in the server.  No matter if all BBs are allowed or only the Klink B10.