why not keep the time constraints ie: half hour if u r killed or 1 hour if you are run out,but if you want to go back in imediately then you can only take a certain size ship in and only as the race you were killed in or run out of in .if you get killed or run out again,the clock starts over again plus as a additional penalty,the second time and each subsequet time there after,each player killed or run out of this hex further penalized .5 vc point per palyer
after having been killed or chased out in whatever combo say dread and 2 heavies then the biggest combo that team can bring in is 1 heavy,1 lite and 1 frig and if they get killed or chased out in, that time constraints start from beginning again(plus they also loose .5 vc points per player that got killed or chased out in)and if they want to go back in again,they must further reduce ship class size again until down to 3 frigates and again risk loosing .5 vc points per player/time.in addition,they would not be able to change races to adapt to ship size.whatever race they initially went in,is the race they would have to pick their next ship from if they wanted to go back in imediately.One other penalty,whoever had the biggest ship,must take the smallest ship for the next incursion