...you can force the person out, leaving you to take the hex, or win a vc point by killing them. The killed player could then immediately come back and attempt again, giving you the possibility of multiple vc points. If you kill them twice, you've earned 2 pts and lowered the DV twice... And there is the possibility of more PvP.
ya thats good.
That all depends on where you stand as per good or not. Remember Plasma ballet anyone? It can take up to a couple hours for a battle, all to get a shift of 1(and a 1 point for kill, if you killed him) just to have him come back an tie you up again for another battle. Even in a shorter battle of say 45 minutes, how many missions could you have run in those 45 minutes? The mirak would have run enough in 1 ship alone to change the DV by 15 or more if left unchecked. Thus my support for DR. I do understand that perhaps DR does not work for all cases, but in hot areas I think it is important.
God forbid they tie you up for MORE PvP

Say the Mirak pilot kils you in a Lyran/Rom/Gorn ship and now you are forced out of that hex for 30/60 minutes. Now they can flip to their hearts desire. If you were allowed to get a ship more capable of drone defense (or remember not to chase a droner

), and get back in there and attempt to kill them, you are tying them up from thier flipping festivals. If you killed the Mirak the first time, he may get into a more PvP based ship and make the next battle more interesting. If they lose again, chances are they wont come right back again, leaving you to work the hex anyway.....
What it boils down to is that I've seen this on the last few servers where multiple accounts are permitted. People fly the PvP races until they force the other guys out or they log off, and then they get in their flipper race ships and start chewing up space, which to me is pretty cheesy, and not in the true spirit of the original disengagement rule.