Quite possible....there are at least three topics going on here 
Undoubtably I get lost myself regarding my own ideas, I'm kinda a brainstorming type and the storm blows out of control at times. Occassionally it brings a needed rain, most times it is just so much hot air

All these roles I can fill with one ship...the D5D....
Hey I'm an unashamed droner as well, I just like to diversify on occassion as sometimes I'm needed to fill a role that requires a different ship, but the droner is the ship which fits most (but not all) needs. They hexflip, they are perfect for planetary assaults, they make good wings in PvP for some ships, and they can be deadly in the right hands if your foe isn't very careful.
I've been honestly avoiding PvP as of late.....unless my presence is requested as a wing....or to run cover for a hex team...
A generous offer.....and no...I dont fear loosing a battle....I fear putting a burden on my team for loosing a battle...
A fear I have often shared, I'm a team oriented player as well, but strangely enough I generally prefer to fly alone unless a specific need arises. Part of the reason for that is that I don't want my screwups to get my wing killed. There are some wings I do particularly enjoy flying with and for the simple reason that I know I could lose a BB for the team and they wouldn't give a damn as long as I had fun. Nonetheless I don't want to hurt the team effort. Of course another reason I like to fly alone is I like to strike hard, strike fast, do the unexpected, and take risks that aren't necessarily good to do with a wingman, both in mission and strategically. Most of the time, I'm really not sure what hex I'm in, I get in my own private rythem. Yet what keeps me going and what keeps me playing this game is all the action on voice coms, no matter if I'm flying alone in mission, I got a group of wingmen in my ear and that is what makes it worthwhile for me.
And I must be forthright....as a senior officer in the Klingon Black Fleet....I would immediately post any intel gathered from any such encounter for the exclusive use of my fleet brothers...
LOL No problem I don't blame you, that kind of attitude is what has made the KBF so enduring. But I can't exactly let Dib know any secrets, he is too even a fight for me as is, and I sure can't risk WarSears actually learning how to properly fly a droneboat

But we can work on my game, without you having to share yours... 
Cool. Anytime you want to fly a combat let me know. I have no problem in participating in some "for fun" fights during a server. If I'm not doing something critical for my team at that moment I'll met you for some fun, no VCs no disengagement involved, just fun.
P.S. Dont tell the folkes in Hot & Spicy that Chuut and Crim can get along so well, it might ruin or reputations over there